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1.Whats your name?

• my name is Luna duh like Harry Potter, or My little pony

(Haha. Okey copy that XD )

2. Do you believe in love at first sight? and love at second sight? 

• nah man cause that would mean you fell in love with there appearance not there personality 

3. Whats the most hilarious thing youve done?

• uh once i ran through the grocery completely naked screaming touch me Kevin touch me. cause you know when you have a friend named Kevin they make you do things like that.

(LMFAO. Thats Hilarious )

4. If you saw a genie, what are your 3 wishes?

• i would wish for unlimited wishes duh then i would probably wish for nutella or something and to meet sleeping with sirens and all time low and uh move to japan 


5.Where is your sensitive parT? 

• I'm really sensitive underneath my knee that's really weird isn't it....

6.If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?

•  because you gotta make things special? And you know yolo. No don't ever use yolo in my house i will chop your head off :) 

( (>.<) lol )

7.Whats ur favorite number? Why?

• my favorite number is 8 and guess what i have no clue why it just kind of happened

8.If youll become a flower, what flower would it be?

• one of those fake ones so i can live forever 

(Nice answer XD )

9.Who was the hottest teacher you ever had?

• ahhh i like that question. for sure Mr.Simins he was one sexy mother trucker

10. Your message (say anything)

• never eat yellow snow! it is a terrible idea trust me 

(o.O )

(Coz shes awesome and bored so she want to do mooree..and after i post her asnwers she realized how smart she is.. XD )

11. If you'll going to have a boyfriend, who would it be? why?

• i would have Alex from all time low because hes sexy

 12. What was the funniest thing you did as a kid?

•  i used to break dvd players its like i hated them i had killed everyone i saw 

(LMFAO XD poor dvd players >.< )

13. Do they bury people with there braces on? 

• don't get it im a idiot that is all i have to say :)

(Ow. snap ur not! Well honestly, I also dont understand the question.. lol XD )

14. Was Jesus a virgin when he died?

• hell naw I'm sure he fucked a few people (Excuse my french)

15. Whats your motto in life?

•  YKWIDC (You know what i don't care)




So far this game is sssoooooooooo funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn! XD

So comments? Votes? :D