Chapter 2

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I woke up to a blinding pain in my spine and right shoulder.

"Dan?" I heard Ricki's pained voice say. Her voice was filled with both pain and worry, a very weird combination for her.

I looked over at her opening my eyes and trying to see her through the hazy blur that clouded my eyesight. "Ricki?" I asked her, setting my left hand on her cheek. I could just barely make out her figure, but I could still see her basic features.

"Dan!" she said, her voice shaky from what sounded like she was crying.

"Shhh, honey it's okay. I'm right here." I said trying to get up but stopping from the pain.

Finally I felt my eye sight unblur and I sighed. At least I wasn't blind, right?

"Dan, no. Don't try and get up." Ricki's voice was soft with her obvious concern. She set her hand on my left shoulder (the shoulder closest to her) and lightly pushed me back down. "You were hit pretty hard."

I was finally able to look at her. And I mean all of her. Her eyes were sad and concerned and her brown long sleeves were rolled up, revealing her fading scars. "How long have I been out?" I asked. I wasn't able to take my eyes off of her arms, but when I did she had already begun to pull down her sleeves to cover them. God, I was a complete idiot.

"A few weeks." She said, her voice tense and sad.

"A few weeks?" I asked, my voice cracking a little.

"Yeah. Three weeks, two days, eighteen hours, and thirty-six minutes. And maybe like two seconds?" she said, checking her arm as if looking for a watch before continuing. "Your mom and dad have been worried sick about you." She said finally and I couldn't help but laugh.

"My dad was worried about me?" I just couldn't help but laugh. Just the thought was funny. But as I looked at her I saw that she was very serious.

"Yes, Dan. He was worried! Tony was, too! Liam also! For gosh sakes, Dan! We all fricking were!" she screamed, standing up and crossing her arms over her chest. "And some of us still are." She whispered as tears begun to stream down her face.

"Come here, Ricki." I said as I wrapped my arms around her. "It's okay. It's all okay. I'm right here and I'm fine alright. I'm not gonna let anything hurt you okay." I said as my own tears began to pour out of my eyes, too. She was next to me again, her face was in my chest. She was smiling widely.

"I love you." She whispered her voice muffled by my chest.

"I love you too, Ricki." I said in response. It felt good to have her next to me again. And for once, I didn't feel as if it would end as soon as I blinked.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2013 ⏰

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