Chapter 13 : Meeting The King

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Kas Keadin walked slowly towards the silver throne room of Moros Dir, meeting King Beowulf of Myroxia. 

Beowulf said, "Come in."

Kas Keadin went in with Aaron, Sara and Alkor and Kas said, "King Beowulf, we need your assistance against the evil Kurunis Empire."

King Beowulf took a sip from his goblet of red wine and asked, "What assistance?"

Kas Keadin replied, "A whole army invading the Shadowlands and freeing our world."

King Beowulf thought for a while and said, "That could be arranged, yes. But we need you to train in magic with other warlocks and witches to win this war."

Kas Keadin bowed to King Beowulf and said, "I will train these three first and then train more warlocks and witches. We will win this war with your generous help."

King Beowulf stroke his beard and replied, "This is my duty as king, now, you must train them three."

As they left the throne room, Aaron asked Kas, "Where are we going now?"

Kas grinned and said, "I have a small house around the border of what was once the Mage City before the Mages fell, it is just near Moros Dir's castle. We can go there and train using the abandoned city."

Alkor was a bright man and asked, "But that is impossible, it has no magic and the gates cannot open without it."

Kas Keadin replied, "I will show you how. But we need to go to the prison and collect something that could help. Now, follow on. We can't keep waiting."

The wind blew to the direction that was of the prison and Kas followed it, when they arrived, the guards led them to the main rooms and said, "Mr. Keadin, the black dust of Vunozhk is here, you can take it for your use."

Kas Keadin replied, "Thank you, guards of this prison, I will use it for the good of our world."

As Kas reached inside the cage to collect the dust inside a small bag, the air grew colder and colder, like evil is creeping behind them, preying on their fear and ignorance.

Sara was scared, telling Kas, "Just go! Demons are here, they are preying on us, this prison we must not stay in! Or not a swing to the head we will be taking!"

Kas Keadin remained calm though, he said, a little bit skeptical of what he said, unsure whether it remains, "We need not fret, we are safe here, the protection of the mage city will make the demons go away, it is just their shadows staying. There is no effect."

Sara calmed down, but she kept walking up the stairs towards the surface, afraid of what is inside the prison. Kas and Aaron followed, but Alkor was still mesmerised by the effects of what they did, but he still followed afterwards.

As they put the black dust inside a small hole, the gates opened and light shone from the city, The City Of Mage has opened again. As Kas led them inside, he was overcome by nostalgia of his elder days.

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