How I Met Him (Pt 2.)

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As I gasped in pain, a mouthful of saltwater filled my mouth.

"FUCK" I thought, as I gasped for air, but to no avail.

A bigger wave rushed over my head and blinded my eyes. I rapidly kicked my way up to the surface trying to get to shore, but the water was consuming me.

"Ello Luv, Im Tom Holland. Need any help?"

"Could it be?" I thought. "TOM HOLLAND!"

I tried to prop my head out of the water to hear him better, but the water swelling up in my lungs forced me into a coughing fit.

"How embarrassing this is," I thought. "Of all days to drown, why this one!?"

I was starting to lose feeling in my fingertips and ankles. Trying to kick felt like an impossible task, and I could no longer open my eyes. My head was slowly descending into the murky depths below. 

"Somebody save 'er." I heard Tom Holland say, even as my heads was fully submerged. 

"No" I thought. I'm not going out like this. Im going to keep fighting. For Tom. At that moment I could feel something try and clench my back meat - it was TOM! He was really trying to save me!!!!!

At that moment something triggered. Like a chemical reaction inside my body, I let out an enormous queef. The massive gust of expelled air propelled me from my ever descending position and launched be a few feet up. I queefed again. I knew if I kept this up I could eventually reach the top. With one last expulsion, I could feel Tom's hand grasp my swim suit. 




Tom Holland Saved my Life - So I Hooked up with HimWhere stories live. Discover now