Chapter One

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Penny quirked an eyebrow at the headline from the Daily Parrot website. Taking a sip from her water bottle, she pulled her phone out and texted her friend.

Penn: Foreclosure? 

She closed her water bottle and set it down on her coffee table, her brown eyes looking up at a framed picture hung on the wall. A newspaper clipping sat in the frame, the black and white ink creating the visage of many animals, with a small koala front and center, smiling gleefully, with his father and Miss Crawly on either side. On the other side of Buster's father stood a fairly slim ring tailed lemur, a supportive smile visible on her muzzle. She could remember the day her friend achieved his goal of owning a theater like it was yesterday. She had pitched in, not allowing the koala to pay her a cent, and set up some of the lighting, replacing old, worn down ones and installing new ones in place. 

Her phone buzzed on the coffee table, prompting Penny to pick it up.

Buster Moon: Yeah, Judith paid me a visit today. Not fun. I am working on a new show, though!

Penn: Darn. Anything I can do to help out?

The three dots appeared, and Penny opened her calendar to see what she had planned. For the most part, her days were free, except for a few hours here and there for her freelance work. Her phone buzzed again.

Buster Moon: No. I can't afford to pay you and if you do free work it'll feel like I'm using you. But if you want feel free to stop by the theater. It's mostly rehearsals today, but maybe we can catch up.

Penny smiled to herself, her long tail curling in happiness.

Penn: I'll be over in 15. I'll bring eucalyptus tea for you.

She ran a small hand through her curly tuft of gray hair, grabbed her keys, and put her shoes on. Tossing her keys and wallet in her little purse, she left her apartment. She planned to walk there, since she needed to stop by the store to grab eucalyptus leaves for the tea. It was a lovely day out, one that she had spent the majority of finishing her latest commission. 

A light breeze ruffled her fur as she strode up to the theater. She reached up for the door handle and let herself in. The muffled sounds of music and singing reached her ears, and she made her way to the stage. She found her way to the backstage area, where several animals were using the rehearsal rooms, and made her way through. Penny looked in one room and saw a pair of pigs practicing their routine. 

"Whoa, whoa. The theater is closed today. Who are you?" A porcupine asked, blocking the way towards Buster's office. Penny reached out a hand.

"I'm Penny. Is Buster around?" Penny asked, rocking forward on her tiptoes to try and spot the gray koala. The porcupine eyed her hand hesitantly before her eyes moved to look next to Penny. 

"Well, if it isn't the one and only Penelope Humphrey!" An enthusiastic voice exclaimed. Penny spun around, only to find her friend with his arms extended in a hugging gesture. Penny smiled and hugged the showman back.

"Long time, no see, Mr. Moon!" Penny replied, then pulled away from the hug to look around. "This place hasn't changed much, has it?"

"Not really. Let's talk more in my office." Buster said, walking with Penny towards his office. The workspace was a little messy, with boxes filled with files scattered on the floor. Buster pulled a wheeled stool over for Penny before jumping into his chair. Penny hopped up in hers, curling her long tail all the way around her waist. "Sorry about the mess."

"It's fine. So how have things been with you?" Penny asked, taking out her thermos with eucalyptus tea and pouring it into a cup for Buster. Buster took the cup in his small hands and took a sip from the warm beverage.

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