Chapter 53: truth of the marks

Start from the beginning

I decided to stay quiet while they seemed to process what I had just said to them but I was waiting for their reaction.
"Wait what?!" Kanroji yelled.
"Does that mean that we are related?" Tokito asked, his head tilted to the side.
"You're related to Tanjiro?" Giyuu said, confused. In fact all of them were confused if their aura's were anything to go by. Oyakata managed to get some peace back by putting his finger over his mouth and everyone went quiet.
"I believe there is still more to explain," Oyakata said.
"There is. Over the years there were some Akatsuki's that weren't born with red hair and golden eyes and their children wouldn't be either. Because of that they either were born with a mark like these ones or they had the ability to have one show up. Honestly it's complicated and even I don't know everything but don't worry we have too many generations in between us all to be considered related. The closest that comes to being related is Tokito-san and I but still too many generations" I said calming them down.
"So you're saying that you have to be a descendant of the Akatsuki clan to manifest a mark?" Sanemi questioned.
"No but it's a high possibility. Before Tokito-san mentioned having a temperature of 39 degrees. As you all know my body temperature is a lot higher than a normal persons. In fact even without a fever I have a temperature of 39 degrees and it only ever climbs higher not lower" I said.
"That is dangerous isn't it?" Giyuu questioned.
"You but it's a family trait along with using the Akatsuki style breathing techniques and a mild ability to control the sun and glow" I said.
"Seriously?" Sanami asked.
"I can confirm the higher temperature but the glowing and control over the sun, not so much," Shinobu said. From their aura's I could tell the only ones that believed me were Tokito, Kanroji and Sanami. Sighing I closed my eyes and concentrated before opening them. Almost everyone's jaws, except Oyakata, Amane and Giyu's jaws, had dropped. I was now glowing just like when I had been fighting against the upper moon demons. Glaring at the sun that was coming into the room by the windows it started to get brighter and hotter.
"Believe me now?" I asked as I let all of it go making the sun dim to it's normal shin, the temperature to drop and me to stop glowing. Unfortunately that seemed to have taken a lot out of me and I started to fall before Sanemi caught me.
"You shouldn't overexert yourself, you only just woke up" Shinobu scolded me.
"What I'm trying to say is that if you want to get a mark you are going to have to push yourself to death and pass it many times. You have all heard of my fights, seen my scars and yet only just recently has my mark fully activated. I have no way of knowing what you guys have been through so while I agree that trying to get marks to appear is a good idea, we should also work on just improving by ourselves as well" I said.
"I have to agree with Hikaru so we shall be holding training. The one thing that I have to say about the mark training is that those who have manifested marks must participate" Oyakata said and with that the meeting was dismissed.

"Oyakata-sama, do you mind if I talk with you for a moment?" I called out as I raced to catch up with him, the Hashira's or rather the other Hashira's were still back to their planning.
"Of course not, I owe you a lot, my child" Oyakata said.
"I know that training to get marks is the best way to get stronger and beat Muzan but there is something that I have to tell you about the marks, something I didn't want to tell the others" I explained.
"In that case come, we will have tea" He said as he gestured for me to follow him into a different room that had a table in the middle of it.
"Amane, would you please get us some tea and my medicine" Oyakata requested and she nodded, taking the children with her.
"Anyone who manifests a mark won't live past the age of 25" I said, deciding to just get it out.
"I see why you didn't want to tell the others this information, for now I do believe that you should keep this to yourself. I will tell the other Hashira when the time is right and they will decide if they wish to take that step" Oyakata said.
"Thank you, I should be going now. Thank you for you time" I said with a bow.
"There is something else bothering you, isn't there?" Oyakata asked and I froze.
"It's nothing to worry about, just something I am coming to terms with on my own. You don't have to worry" I smiled.
"Very well. I should remind you that you are now a Hashira and as such no later then a week you will be given your own residence, feel free to do anything you wish with it and have who ever you want in it. We also got the characters Akki Messatsu carved onto your blades" Oyakata said and I unsheathed both blades just enough to see the characters. Sure enough they were there, normally it would be different but now it reads destroy all evil demons, just like the other Hashira.
"You have earnt your place as a Hashira, you do not have to go through mark training but I would like to request that you do so that there is a high chance for it to spread" Oyakata said.
"Don't worry, I could do with some training and I am looking forward to what the other Hashira can teach me" I said.
"In that case, don't let me hold you back. But Hikaru. If there is anything worrying you please don't hesitate to let me know" Oyakata smiled gently and I nodded.
"I will, thank you for your time" I said with one last bow before I left. I headed back to the butterfly estate with my head spinning with so many thoughts I thought that they would break my skull.

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