The Twins

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< Author's Note: 

Just for reference me, George, Fred, and my friend group are very good friends but at the moment I think I'm slowly falling in love with Fred.

Anyway, this is based off that Tik Tok song that goes "'Do not enter' is written on the doorway. Why can't everyone just go away? Except you... You can stay." So yeah. Here's the next  scenario :) 3

Pansy and Atlas are sitting in the Slytherin common room talking with Atlas's black cat in Pansy's lap, Fred and George are on the other side of the sitting area talking about a prank they want to pull. After a while Draco walks in with Hermione, Ron, and Harry. Ron walks over and says "How's Lavender? Still heartbroken I presume?" with a laugh.

Atlas freezes for a second and then turns to Pansy. "Excuse me. I think I'm gonna go. It was nice having this talk with you Pansy." Before Pansy can answer Atlas gets up and walks out the door of the common room heading towards the Hufflepuff common room, giving Pansy nothing else but a small smile. 

Not long after Fred stands up and walks over to Pansy. "Hey. Why did Atlas leave?" They ask gently. 

Pansy looks up and shrugs. "I'm not sure. I was actually just wondering that myself."

Fred motions for Pansy to hand him Atlas's cat. Pansy hands the cat to them and he walks over to George. "Come on George." They say. George stands up and follows Fred as he walks out the door of the common room.

About ten minutes later they walk into the Hufflepuff common room asking everyone there if they had seen Atlas. A first year tells the twins that it walked up to the boys dorm about ten minutes before. They thank the first year and walk up the stairs to the boys dorms, Atlas's cat still in Fred's arms. 

When they get to Atlas's dorm they see the words "Do Not Enter" written at the top of the doorway and "Everyone Go Away" on the wall above the doorway in chalk and Atlas's handwriting. Fred knocks on the door. 

"What is it?" Atlas calls from inside. 

"It's Fred." Fred calls.

"And George." George buts in.

"We have your cat, Shadow." Fred finishes. 

They hear a small sigh from behind the door and then it opens. Atlas stands at the door, eyes red from crying, and holds it's hand out for the cat. Fred hands Shadow to him and Atlas pulls the cat close to it's chest, holding it with both hands. "Was that all?" Atlas asks, his voice just barely audible. 

"Is something wrong?" Fred asks, gently. 

Atlas sighs and pulls the door further open motioning for them to come in. They both walk in and sit on it's bed noting that neither of his roommates are there. Atlas shuts the door and sits down, gently petting the cat now in his lap, at it's desk. 

For a few minutes they just all sit in silence. 

"Ron keeps talking about Lavender and acting like she's some love sick puppy that will never get over him. And it makes me so mad." Atlas breaks the silence.

"That's understandable." Fred responds.

"Can I ask a question though?" George follows up.

Fred sends their twin a glare as Atlas nods. "What is it?"

"It said "Everyone go away" on the door. Why did you let us in?" George asks.

Atlas sighs. "I guess you guys don't count as everyone.."

< Author's Note:

I recently got distracted with other DR's and stuff but I'm falling back into the pull of my Harry Potter DR. So it's possible you'll see more updates on this and longer chapters than this! I might even elaborate on some of the things  I wrote in the second (I think) chapter where it was just a list of some things that happen in their most basic form. 

Also if there's like a certain thing you want to know how my friend group would react to or how they would act in a certain situation feel free to let me know and I will (Most likely) write a story on it! Thank you for reading! 3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2022 ⏰

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