Action nodding shamefully and looked away.

Riff looked back down at Elizabeth. "Here..." he pulled out a dollar from his pocket, "Go to the gas station and get us some slushees. I'll be back in fifteen."

Elizabeth looked down at the dollar then back at Riff.

She huffed and took the dollar from her hand.

"Quince," she looked in his eyes, "You better not be late."

Riff chuckled and kissed her forehead.

When he pulled back, he looked back at the rest of he crew and tilted his head. They began walking. Without Elizabeth.

She was left there, watching as they walked away into the distance.

Elizabeth sighed and began walking to the gas station, fiddling with the dollar.

The whole thing was stupid. They were all too stubborn to let any of the drama go.

As she entered the gas station she went to the slushee machine and got two cups. She filled one with grape and the other with blue raspberry. Putting the top on, she grabbed two straws before making her way to the register.

"A dollar," the cashier said with absolutely no charisma.

Elizabeth handed him the dollar and made her way out the store. She sat down on the bench, and waiting for her love to come.

But as time went on, the sun began to set and Elizabeth's slushee was almost finished while Riff's was melting. Elizabeth hoped he would come soon.

But as the night sky became prominent, Elizabeth stood up and placed both their slushees in the trash can. One empty and one full.

Riff had ditched her so she wouldn't go to the rumble.

Well, boy, was he in for a treat.

Walking to the direction of where the rumble was taking place, Elizabeth noticed Anybodys sneaking in as well. Elizabeth ducked down, afraid to be heard. She knew Anybodys would snitch or tell her to get out of there.

As the door began closing, Anybodys rushed inside. Elizabeth rushed in behind him, just in time before the door closed completely.

She went beside Anybodys and they looked over, seeing the Jets and the Sharks.

"What the hell are you doin' here?!" Elizabeth heard Anybodys's voice whisper-yell.

"Riff ditched me," Elizabeth whispered back, "I'm here to see the rumble."

Anybodys wasn't invited since he was cast out because technically, he was female. Elizabeth never really cared for that, if he wanted to be a man, so be it.

Not many people thought the same way. They related on that level. Being Puerto Rican and Anybodys wanting to be a man. She was sure she could change at least Riff's mind about him since he excepted her,

"You promised your buddy would be here," Bernardo's voice was heard, cutting off a chance for Anybodys to respond to Elizabeth, "If you don't keep your word, jefe, how am I going to believe you'll keep out of our territory after-"

His voice trailed off once Chino came walking in.

Bernardo furrowed his eyebrows, "¿Qué haces aquí? Te dije que te quedarás fuero de esto."

"What'd he say, Puerto Rican girl?" Anybodys quietly asked, one of his brows raised.

"He asked what is he doing here and that he told Chino that he wanted him not involved with the fight," she responded, glancing over to him.

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