29 Messages

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My Timothy sent a message to My Idiot!

My Timothy
please don't be mad at me

My Timothy
I may have gotten your name from someone
claiming to be your brother and he's like a major actor
so what the hell!

My Timothy
he messaged me first

My Timothy
well, he more or less threatened me to never hurt you

My Timothy
he slipped up and said your name and then I asked Edward
and he said it was after a lot of pestering. Then I asked Alesha
and she said it was your name straight away. And even Blair said
it was your real name

My Timothy
sorry for spamming you, I'm just freaking out slightly

My Timothy
Hi Eros!!

My Timothy
love the name btw

My Idiot
for fucks sake Morpheus...

My Idiot
If you tell anyone (even Wheeler) I will kill you
slowly and painfully

My Timothy
Is it cause you hate your name or cause you wanna keep
your identity a secret?

My Idiot
Nah I love my name, I just don't want people stalking me and shit
It's happened to Morpheus

My Timothy
I get that. dw I'm not telling anyone (even Wheeler)

My Idiot
thanks Timmy

My Timothy
I don't think you've ever used my nickname. I'm flattered

My Idiot
you have issues

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