outstanding (f.w)

Start from the beginning

"Oh sod off, you git.  I am not in love. Why don't you run off to Angie and confess your undying love for her?" the Gryffindor mocked, clearly embarrassed as his face was now as crimson as his Quidditch robes.

"Hey! At least I don't stare like a creep," George shot back, glaring playfully at his twin as he rose from his seat before his twin could retort.

"Come on, everyone. Let's leave Freddie to his sight-seeing." And with a wink, he was off, quickly followed by the rest of his fellow Gryffindors.

Yet, as the howling group stood and made their way through the castle, Hermione stayed back with a roll of her eyes, shifting to sit across from the flustered ginger.

"Why don't you invite her along with us?" she suggested, collecting her books as she continued. "She doesn't normally have plans on the weekends so I'm sure she would appreciate the offer."

And with that, the wise Gryffindor stood and descended to her dorm room, leaving Fred to take her advice.

• —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– •

"Ah, so, you're the girl Fred can't take his eyes off of?" George teased, swigging back the last of his butterbeer. You were currently sat in a booth at the Three Broomsticks. Though it was initially occupied by one smiley ginger, it was quickly filled with the rest of his red-headed siblings as they insisted on staying while ordering their own round of sugary drinks.

The walk to Hogsmeade was a distant one, but the excitement of butterbeer and Honeydukes' sweets made it all worth it. That, and the fact that you had been invited to go with the red-head most girls would only dream of talking to. That used to be you — fantasizing about what it would be like to even be waved at by one of the most popular students in your year. But things had changed in a mere few weeks and you were rather glad to say that reality had finally rivalled against your daydreams (and just so happened to be winning.)

"Aww, it's okay to blush, Freddie. Don't be shy," George teased from beside you, chuckling as his twin shot him daggers from across the table. Something along the lines of 'shut it, you bloody git' was drowned out from beneath the pub's chatter. Although, by the cheery look on George's face and the lack of clever remarks, it had seemingly gone unheard of.

"Don't listen to him, darling. It's just really cold," Fred replied, feigning confidence as he stood from his seat and grabbed your coat from the rack with a bow. He was glad to hear you giggle softly as you always did before rising from your seat to join him; not before hooking your arm shyly around his — an action that quite literally caused his heart to melt.

"Why don't we leave these dilly-dalliers behind and have our own fun, hmm?"

• —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– •

"You did what?" you squealed, trekking back towards the castle after a long day of festivities. Even after spending hours in Tomes and Scrolls, you listened intently as he told stories from his rebellious childhood, laughing at each and every one of his many memories.

Your smile had not stumbled all day — something Fred had taken notice of. Between the cute nicknames and kind gestures as he paid for your drinks and rushed to open each door at every shop, you couldn't help but long for the feeling to last forever.

"Don't worry, he promised not to bite. But of course, Ron didn't know this, so it was quite funny to see him squirm around the house until Mum and Dad came back," Fred chuckled, basking in the sound of your laughter as he told the infamous story of how he and his meddlesome twin had convinced one of their many garden gnomes to chase Ron around the yard in their first-year.

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