Chapter 1

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First person POV

In the land where fairytales existed lived a couple, of which were known as Snow White and Prince James (Prince Charming) they had a child long ago but were forced to send her away by the evil queen. The evil queen had put a curse on the land as she could use magic, which very little could do. The Evil Queen, also known as Regina, removed everyone's memory and moved them all to the small town of Storybrooke, with the help of the evil sorcerer Rumplestiltskin. Snow was then known as Mary Margaret and Charming as David as they no longer had any idea who they really were. Regina was beginning to feel love as she had just adopted a new born boy and named him Henry. After 11 years Henry found his real mum, Emma Swan who was indeed Snow and Charming's daughter, she helped to destroy the curse. Throughout the years Regina became good and helped with everything and soon found love with a man called Robin Hood. One day Henry was kidnapped by two normal humans and taken to a faraway place, Neverland and placed into the hands of Peter Pan.
After a long journey, with the help of Captain Hook, Regina, Snow, Charming, Tinkerbell, Rumplestiltskin and Neal, Emma was able to retrieve him.

After a long time of thinking, Pan and the lost boys all went to live in Storybrooke and the lost boys went back to their families and they all became good again. A couple years went by and the town was still and all was good. That was until two girls moved in not far away.

The two girls where teenagers that took many walks throughout Storybrooke and which made townsfolk suspicious but the girls suspected nothing.

Sharna's POV

So I've lived in this neighbourhood for a week now and me and Cameron haven't met anyone new. It is beautiful and peaceful here though and I love it, but the walks we take through a close town everyone seems to stare at us and it just feels weird.

First Person POV

Henry walked into Granny's diner and straight up to his mother, Emma.
"Hey mum?"
"Yeah kid."
"Come here."

They sit down in a booth together and Henry had his story book in his hands. He opens it and pushes it towards Emma.
"See, there's a new story in here."
"When did it appear?"
"Well the book just appeared on my bed this morning so I thought it happened for a reason, you know? So I opened it and inside was this fairytale, a new one. This has never happened, they've changed, but never appeared."
"Weird. Mind if I take this?"
Henry shakes his head. Emma takes the book and walks straight out the shop and towards Regina's office. On the way she grabs her boyfriend, Hook. When they get inside Emma slams the book on Regina's desk.
"The book, a new tale appeared this morning and this has never happened."
"So?" Regina said.
"Isn't that weird, I've got a bad feeling about this."
Hook pulled the book towards him and flicked through a few pages and finally fame to a halt. The book said:
Once Upon a Time in a faraway Kingdom that finished up being forgotten, lived a 16 year old girl that went by the name of Princess Sharna of The Hollow. Her parents were forceful and made her take part in many royal events, including the marriage of an unknown Prince. After months went by, she ran away, ran into the enchanted forest. A few days went by and she soon ran out of food. When sleeping on a log after a hard day of scavenging and running from monsters, she was introduced to a young maiden called Cameron. Cameron helped her retrieve food and steal, she also taught her to use a bow and arrow as cameron was an expert at fighting. Weeks upon weeks went by when Sharna's hands glowed with magic, forming flowers and plants to grow around her. Animals came before her when she then realised, she had magic of the Earth. Cameron and Sharna were also wanted dead, or alive for begging, stealing and braking into a few troll habitats. Then one day Sharna and Cameron disappeared and no one has seen of their whereabouts since, but few have guessed.

Hook looked next to it and saw a picture of a girl in green clothing with a hood over her head, you could hardly see her face as her hair was in the way. He sighed as he knew there was no way of telling who she was. Emma and Regina were deep in conversation of how to find the mystery of lost princess when Grumpy and Ruby barged in talking about the whereabouts of the two new arrivals of teenage girls that have been seen around the area. Regina and Emma made eye contact and ran out the office barging everyone out the way. "Hook!" Emma shouted.
Hook followed after and out the door they went. When the three of them got outside they looked around but there was nothing. The two girls had passed the street talking about their new house together as their memories were lost and knew nothing about their old lives.

In this life Sharna and Cameron did have a bit of money which shows they didn't steal. They used to live in the same orphanage when they were younger but ran away as they hated it there. When they gathered up enough money by saving they decided to buy an apartment so far away they could never be found. They lived in a small family-like place near Storybrooke and went on with their lives together. Cameron started attending classes at a local judo hall and Sharna got a job at a florists. They had not much to live by but it was enough.

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