Chapter 13

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"Be someone's happiness it's one reason to live"

"What is your problem? You come in here acting like you own this goddamn place and push me onto shelves? Is this mentioned in some part of the bad boy manual that I forgot to read?" Annoyance heavily laced my tone from losing his touch. He has that effect on me, it's maddening.

"You wanna kiss me?" he asks rhetorically. I must have my tells that he could easily read. I mean I also did look at his lips, duh.

"No" I respond taking a second too long. He smirks having caught my lie, infuriating me again. This boy is tacitly provoking me and I don't like it one bit.

"Well, aren't you gonna move so I can leave?" He finally pushes his arms away after having glanced one more time, looking for something more in my eyes, perhaps a lie.

"Infatuation, that's what you feel around me?" I stop in my tracks caught in my heart. What is he talking about? We literally just met.

"I don't know where you're from but here we don't push others on the shelves," I say avoiding his question. He leaves after another momentary glance and walks out.

He's right. My body responds to him in ways I can't comprehend but I don't think it has to do with feelings. I have never once dated because I never felt that way for anyone. Sure, I am attracted to their bodies but that's all there is. I have never once exclusively dated a boy, maybe I am scared of letting them in after all that I have been through. I sigh, leaving the corner all alone. Romance me with books. That should be enough.

As I get out of my house, I get a text from Rosie about her address. I stop in my tracks and realise that she lives at the end of the street! What?! How is it that I never saw her take the bus or spot her at the grocery mart?

I decided to go over to her house, albeit uninvited because I'm a bit happy that I have a friend living so close to me.

I knock on the door once and see Rosie. I hug her, the first I ever did that.

"We literally live in the same street. I have never seen you around though!" I exclaim.

Rosie at first was stupefied, probably assuming that I erroneously appeared today rather than Wednesday but she smiles, later on, calming my nerves.

"Whoa, hold on there. This is great!" Rosie exclaims in the same tone that I used.

I smile widely at her response, happy with her company.

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I hope you enjoy

Don't you wish your BFF lived down your street? 

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