Chapter 3

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Gilligan and Mary Anne looked at him in utter shock. Gilligan's clenched and then unclenched as he tried to process this revelation. No he thought he must be mistaken. Jonas would have never done something like that. He would have never endangered a boy's life like that.

His mind then went back to that day. When they had gathered in the hut to discuss who would leave in the balloon. Gilligan had volunteered to go but the Professor said that he was to heavy. Skipper he thought. Skipper then suggested the boy but was quickly shot down by the women. Even Mister Howell was against it.

They then had agreed to send a letter and were in the midst of discussing the contents when the boy snuck out. They were all in the hut even Jonas he thought.

"You left the hut by yourself." Gilligan said. "Skipper was in there with us. You were sitting behind Ginger and Mary Anne while the Skipper was at the table with myself and the Professor."

"It was before we went into the hut." Kurt told him. "After the balloon was built he took me aside and told me to get into the balloon and fly away. To get help." He could still see him pulling him away from the others to talk to him. It felt like his stomach was a trampoline and there were a dozen people jumping upon it. He was sure that he was going to be beaten. He tried to call out to Gilligan for help only for the Skipper placed his hand over his mouth. His skin crawled as he could still feel his hands on him, his mouth being covered, his warm breath on his skin as he told him to be quiet.

"He said that I needed to get into the balloon to help you." Kurt said. "Even though I really did not understand the words he was saying I understood their meaning. Then later we went into the hut to talk and while you guys were talking he looked at me. Telling me to go now."

Kurt sniffed as he said "I didn't want to leave you but I felt I had to. I had to save you . All of you."

"That monster." Mary Jane said through clenched teeth. "How could he do something so callous, so cruel."

"Because that is who he is." Gilligan said. "I just hate that it took me so long to see what I kind of monster he truly was.

"I'm sorry." Kurt said. "I shouldn't have told you."

"No." Gillian said. "I'm glad you did." He then looked at Mary Anne and said "We better go."

"Yes we should." She said.

They said their goodbyes and then soon left with one thing on their mind. To confront Jonas Grumby.

I've lost my little buddy the Skipper thought as he down another glass of bourbon. His throat burned as he swallowed the liquid but he did not. The only real friends that he ever had in the world hated him.

I told him not to go looking for that boy he thought as he poured himself as another glass. I told him just to leave it alone but he could not leave alone could he. He had to go looking for that boy. He had to disobey his Skipper.

Frustration filled him as he felt the overwhelming urge to leave the bar, find Gilligan and give him a good thrashing with his hat like he use to do in the old days. When Gilligan did what he was told.

"Hello Skipper." A familiar voice said. He looked up to see a mousy brunette standing before him. His eyes blinked in rapid succession as he said "Ginger?" No not Ginger. She looks Ginger, could be her twin sister but its not her. "Eva Grubb." He said as the memory of homely woman who came to the island entered his mind. A woman who was soon given a makeover by the girls to boast herself confidence and they soon discovered that she was a dead ringer for Ginger.

"I was wondering if you would remember me." A smile was at the edges of her mouth as she sat down.

"How could I forgot someone who kidnapped a friend of mine and tried to steal her life." Skipper said. "How did that go for you by the way?"

"Not too well I must admit." Eva said a bit uncomfortable. "I had Ginger Grant's look but I lacked one thing that she had."


"Talent." Eva said. "It did not take long for them to figure out that I was not her." He told him. "I was arrested and sent to jail for fraud for five years."

"And you never told them about us?" Jonas said.

"Now why would I do that." Eva said. "So Ginger could come back and have the life I wanted." She shook her head. "No thank you."

"You are a selfish witch." Jonas said.

"Skipper how could you speak to a lady like that." Eva said in mock shock. "What happened to that gentleman I met on the island."

"He spent another twelve years stuck on that blasted island." Skipper said. "And then he came home and his life fell apart."

"I'm sorry to hear that." She then said. "How about buying me what you are having and we can drink to old times."

The Skipper was about to say no. Tell her to get lost and to leave him in his misery. "Fine." He then said and called the waiter over. The waiter took their order and then Skipper asked. "So what have you been up to since you out of prison."

"I was a Ginger Grant look like for awhile." Eva said. "I even got a few commercials and modeling jobs. I had took some acting classes and got a part in a play about Hamlet."

Annoyance crossed his face at the mention of the play. "Let me guess Harold Hecuba's play."

"That's the one." Eva said. "Even had a brief relationship with him where I found that he too had visited the island. How about that."

"Yeah how about that." Jonas said as hatred for the man filled him. That play was ours he thought. He stole it in from us and made millions.

"Everything was going to good for me until a year ago." Eva said with bitterness in her voice.

"And then we came back."

The waiter brought over their drinks and she grit her teeth as she said "And then you came back and suddenly no one wanted the fake Ginger when they could have the real thing."

"You poor soul." He said.

"But I think I can change all that." Eva said. "With your help if you are willing."

Skipper took a drink of his bourbon and said "Go on."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2022 ⏰

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