Raging migrainosus

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"Ugh.." I mumbled; my hand subconsciously grasping the back of my head. It was like it had been hit with a bag of bricks.
It didn't do wonders for the migraine.
As I squinted my eyes, the moist ground below me became painfully apparent.

"You fell." A familiar voice stated; their figure just out of view as my vision began to focus.

It was him.

"You almost missed the boat.." he continued, "..again."

"I know, I know, I'm sorry." I quickly apologised, shuffling up to my feet.

I couldn't see it, but I could feel his disgruntled gaze upon me.

"I suggest we climb aboard, now."

I nodded.

The small boat only set sail once a year, and this would be my third time riding it.
I'm not sure why they chose me; why I was special.. but I received their letter and have been returning every year since.

"Hoist the anchor!" The figure ordered to the crew, dragging his orange feet across the deck.

"There is no anchor, sir.. it's tied up with rope."

"That, then."

And, soon enough, we were on the move.
Me, the captain, and the 5 man crew.. who were all women because stereotypes are harmful & bad.

The powerful waves carried us away from the land, further and further till the sea was all we could.. see.
The moonlit sky cast a soft white glow upon the wooden boat; marking our destined path across the ocean.

Interrupting my thoughts, the captain stepped into view; his heavy claws gripping the frame of the boat as he turned to face me.

"Did you bring it?" He snapped as if it was his duty to test me. "The rock..? Did you?"

I sighed, reaching into my pocket. "Dwayne was unavailable but.. I've got this."

Holding the iridescent rock up in the air; the captain admired its reflective surface. It was like a tiny piece of the moon, in the palm of my hand.

"Good." He accepted; pinching it with his crusty crab fingers as he lobbed it into the water.
"The sea god will be pleased."

Smiling, I scanned the blue surface as it splashed and sunk down.
That rock was my ticket to see it again; the sea god.

Ever since these weird little pebbles have been popping up under my pillow case, I knew they had a bigger purpose, a deeper meaning.
And, now, as I offered my best one to the sea god, I knew exactly what it was for.

The boat, the rock and the terrible migraine.Where stories live. Discover now