Leaving in 4 days

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It's 4 days before I have to go. And everyone was throwing parties and congratulating Kashino in becoming the only 1st place winner. Everyone was glaring at me so much I thought I was going to die! I Mean! where in our last year of Middle school and everyone is acting like children.

Masa would always come and tease me but, in an adorable way which would always end up making me laugh.

As a result in these kind of matters I got to be excuse from going to normal class and just help out in Salon de Marie. Masa got complements as usual and I got asked to take request and pictures. Sometimes Aoi would make Masa come and talk to him a lot. It's good to know there getting along but why aren't they letting me join their conversations! They would always pushes me out of their room. So I stopped doing that and I just went to work.


"Get out Mieko!/Himura'Senpai!"


"Geez that women!"

"Don't say those things about Senpai!"

"It's okay to tease to tease people."

"I may be a sophomore in High school but I know how to treat a women! Unlike you."

"You should watch what you say about me."

"Then you should act more proper to HImura'Senpai!"

"Whatever! She's mine!"

"No she's mine!"

"No! She's mine!"

"No! She's mine!"

"I don't think she's anyone's"


''Hello, How are you both doing?"


"About Mieko'Senpai."

We nodded and sighed

"I never knew Mieko'Senpai was this popular with boys."

"There's more!"

Tennoji was shocked and nodded a bit. "She just got a rose from a guy from 'De Clair's.'"

We were shocked and got more competitive and looked through the window.


"Excuse me miss!"


He stood up and took a knee, "I know we just met its, just your just amazing! Please accept this rose!"

I blushed and took it. "A-Arigato..!"

He blushed also and gave a gigantic bear hug and did a bow afterwards.

"Miss Mieko I've always been in love with you ever since the moment I saw you. I knew you were the one."

I heard people go 'aaaahhh' and 'She's so lucky' and 'I heard that's so cute' etc.

Masa and Aoi came out glaring at the boy.

"Mieko'Sama! We need help!"


I went over there blushing a bit and the guys looking upset.

"Aww! Why are you both so glum? Come on!"

The boy's gave a Hmph sound

Hana pouted and gave both of them a kiss on their cheek.

"Better now?"

They both blushed and pouted. I gave a slight giggle and said.

"Alright! Let's all go back to work!"

They walked away in different directions and started to work again. However....., Today was my last day working here.. And I wanted to have all the memories I can get!

"Mieko'senpai! I heard you were leaving.. And before you leave! Promise me you'll meet me here!"

"Hai hai! Aoki'Sama!"

He nodded and went away happily....

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