He finally managed to catch her lips and this time she really moaned. It never ceased to amaze her how they could kiss a thousand times and her heart would race just the same as their first. 

Practically dragging herself away from his lips, she took a deep breath. 

"Flattery might get you far, but it won't work now, grab the wickets and let's go." She put her arms on his chest to physically distance themselves. "I think I hear their carriages." 

He grabbed her wrist and yanked her back towards him. She fell into his chest and his hand landed dangerously low. 

"Or we could just stay here... maybe go back upstairs... pretend we never left bed this morning." He murmured the last bit into her mouth.

It took several more intoxicating kisses before she pulled back, only slightly, and said the thing that she knew he would respond to. 

"Well... I'd be more than happy to oblige, but we'd have to tell your siblings we were forfeiting Pall-Mall first." 

This did the trick. As if remembering his scheme with the wickets, he pulled back from her at once, turned to grab the wickets on the left of him, and grabbed her wrist to basically march her back towards the front of their home. 

She only laughed. A full, all-encompassing laugh that only the Bridgertons seemed to be able to pull from a person. 

They rounded the corner just in time as it seemed. The three carriages holding the Bridgerton tribe, and the Duke and Duchess with little Auggie pulled to a halt, and the footmen began to swiftly unload and open doors. Anthony and Abby both stood, entwined with each other, and waited for the flurry to begin. 

It began almost at once. The Viscount and Viscountess were greeted with several hugs, kisses and even an adorable giggle from the baby in Daphne's arms. 

"Welcome back, all of you." Abby finally said once they began to settle. "I've laid out tea with extra lemon cake," She winked at Hyacinth and Gregory. "And of course there's lemonade if you're feeling parched from the journey." 

"Are Ben and Calvin here yet?" Hyacinth piped up. 

"They're not arriving till tomorrow, I'm afraid. Their break starts later." 

"No matter," Anthony supplied. "Abigail managed to talk me into a dog, he should be around here somewhere." He turned back to the house and yelled, "Nicki! Where are you?" 

Out of the grand entrance came bounding a golden retriever puppy. Hyacinth and Gregory practically jumped on him with all the adoration in their eyes. 

Sighing, Abby turned back to everyone else, "Shall we?" And she gestured back towards the grounds where tea was all set. 

As they walked, Daphne handed August off to Simon and jogged forward to link arms with Abigail. 

"So, any news to share with me?" Daphne was astounding how she could just pick and choose when she wanted to be subtle and when she didn't. 

"Meaning?" Abigail played coy.

Elbowing her in the ribs Daphne gave her a pointed look before continuing. 

"You know exactly what I mean." She dropped her voice to an excited whisper. "Are you yet with child?" 

"Well, if I was, I believe I should tell my husband first before I tell you, hm?" 

Daphne gasped and stepped back with her hands over her mouth. She let out an excited squeal. Exactly the opposite of subtle, and Abby shushed her. 

Only Hope | Anthony Bridgeton Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon