"Yuzhi, Mrs. Yu has a high fever, and her pulse is fast and strong, so to treat her condition we should use Chengqi soup(5). So why did you use Wu Ju and Chuan Lian(6) treatment instead?" Said an older man with a calm voice.

"Master, Mrs. Yu can't drink the soup, as she was vomiting alot. We should then try something dry and sour to stop her. So that is why i used Wu Ju and Chuan Lian to reduce the vomiting."

The answer came from a little boy, his voice still childish, but his tone was firm.

The man hummed in approval and said, "She took two pills of your medicine, and she stopped vomiting alredy and can already eat some porridge today. You can now change the treatment and match it with the Chengqi group."


At this time, the wind gradually weakened, and the teenager outside the window was bored listening, so he snuggled and he tried to close his eyes for a moment.

The Boy inside spoke again, "Master, today three more opium dens are opening on Jiumu land, near Liangyuan road. I saw it when i went to deliver medicine at noon."

The Teenager opened his eyes wide after hearing this.

The old man took a long pause before nodding in acknowledgment.

The boy said, "There was one shop called "Wu Zhong Qu"(7). It had three courtyards and more than 20 couches, but there was still enough space. There were long queues of crowds to the street. Some people were lying on the mat in the middle of the courtyard smoking opium."



The teenager eavesdropped on the conversation outside the window and forgot the cold. His face surged with resentment as if he remembered something unbearable from the past...

After a moment the old man sighed, "What's the point of all of this when they are still so young? Once they start smoking opium, they can't stop themselves anymore. People who smoke a lot: not only will they forget to eat but will go into despair so they can smoke again. They will sell their house or go to the extent to sell their wives and daughters."

The Teenager clenched his fist, wanting to punch the wall. But he resisted and only clenched his teeth as if to suppress his anger.

"Master, although one person's strenght is small, it is still better than nothing. If our generation of young people realizes the evil effect of opium poisoning, it will be eradicated one day." The boy continued, "I heard that there are books on drugs in Western medicine. When i go to Japan, i must learn the method to treat drug addictions."

The man was silent for a long time, then said, "Yu Zhi, you are still young. You don't understand the reality of this world. Somethings can't be done even with good medical skills..."

Then a girls voice came in, "Dad, Brother, mother said it's time to eat, hurry or else the food will get cold."

The man hummed again, and the boy replied, "Master, you and sister can go first; i will pack up everything and join you after."

The teenager outside returned to his senses and found that his face was full of tears. He wiped his face furiously with his sleeves and slowly stood up against the wall.

Just then, the door oft he hospital opened, and a boy slightly smaller than him came out in front of him. The two of them looked at eachother and were stunned for a while.

The boy was bundled in a clean cotton-padded shirt. His black hair was swirling in the breeze, exposing a pair of wide, round black eyes on his pale face.

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