"Aren't I always?"

"No you aren't, who said I wanted girls in my new car, all that perfume bugs me," Arturo sighed and shook his head.

"Even though you get mad at me for calling you a fag, you really are one," I growled, watching him. "No offence of course, but come on two years now! Get back and find someone."

"I don't want anyone, I want the right person," he looked at me and I knew behind his blue eyes I meant a mate.

"Dan Dan!!" I heard a shrill high pitched voice yell out to me. I pinned pointed her voice and saw her. Melissa was another of my life long friends.

"Hi," she got up to the two of us and stopped and looked me in the eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong," she rolled her eyes.

"The big old sour puss wants that special someone," Arturo teased. Melis cowed me about how sweet that was. Only Melissa had found her mate, but Arturo hadn't yet, but I could tell that he didn't care as much as me.

"I don't want to be late to class," I growled. Melissa put a hand on my forehead. "What are you doing?"

"Seeing if your sick, something must be wrong if you want to go to class," they both laughed but I just picked up my speed. My wolf was just watching through my eyes like he always did. I knew he grew bored so I had to go for runs to keep him calm.

"No I just want to get through the day," I said back to them. Something stirred my wolf out of his bored, but as soon as that something came it left. "Besides someone is going crazy," I tapped my head with my index finger. The bell rang for everyone to get to class so I hurried to my English class and sat through the boring lecture. My ears took in the data and my hand wrote it down. But my mind was else where. As soon as the bell rang for my next class I packed up and met up with Melissa, since we had next class together we walked together.

She was staying quiet which was odd but I don't know why I'm complaining. We sat down at are seats in math and did are work. I looked over at her but she stayed focused on her work.

"Something wrong?" She looked up as if shocked to see me there.

"No, nothing is wrong," she went back to her work. I sighed and grabbed her pencil.

"Tell me," she only glared at me.

"It's nothing," she said through clenched teeth.

"Lies! Melissa, spill!" She shook her head and went to grab another pencil from her bag. I quickly wrote on her page: 'tell me!' and dropped the pencil back on her page. When she looked up and sat what I wrote she puffed her cheeks out and tried not to yell at me. I could tell I was pestering her so I sighed and erased it quickly.

"Tell me what's wrong Mels," she sighed and shook her head. I started poking her. "Tell me." She glared at me.

"Leave me alone Dan," I whined quietly. She looked at me, I could see in her eyes that see was going to break down and spill so I whined again. "Damn you. It's just that my best friend and I had a major fight."

"Never mind, your fights are always stupid," I looked back down at my work. She slapped me over the back of my head.

"Asshole!" She yelled. Everyone turned to us then went back to work.

"Melissa, language," the teacher warned.

"Sorry," she glared back at me. "But you are one."

"Well it's not my fault that your arguments with your friends bore me, get some guns and murder and I'll sit there and listen to every detail," she just rolled her eyes at me. The bell finally rung for lunch. I shoved all my stuff in my bag and got up and to my locker. I dropped some of my stuff in and grabbed my lunch. Yes my lunch, and yes my mom packed it. That's another reason I can't hate her, she has always done this even if I complained and told her that I hate her. Which isn't often!! And if I do say it I'm joking!

Rogue Waves[Book 1 of the Rogue Series]Where stories live. Discover now