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When you look at me, you would not expect me to be the keeper. One I do not have any wolf sent neither do I belong to any pack. I am a hunter, yes wolf hunter. You must be thinking how the keeper could be a hunter. Well hunters are not the vicious wolf killers you have read about. We're the peace keepers, the only wolves we hunt are the ones trying to disrupt the peace.\

My name is Madilyn Silver. I am 20 years old. I am a wolf, but do not have one.

That is due to being the keeper. The keeper has no secondary voice in her head; neither does she have an other persona when she shifts. She is one. The reason I do not have a scent is due to the absorber.

The absorber is a pendant I always keep on me. It hides my wolf sent as well as the power which radiates off me. It absorbs compulsive anger that comes with being a wolf, and it also prevents me from shifting. When I am full wolf it is not as strong so if I were to shift the alphas would come after me as they did the previous keepers.

Although I am still pretty fast as well as strong, the reason why it is best for me to be a hunter, no one would suspect me. The only people who know about me being the keeper are my parents. Jane and Andrew the moon goddess gave me to them as a baby. I love them with all my heart, they bathed me, fed me and trained me into the great hunter I am today. Without them I do know what I would have done.

They understand everything about the keeper. They are the leaders of the Blue water hunters. We constantly move around checking on the packs and ensuring the safety and cooperation of wolves.We are making our way to a new pack that had joined our patrol area about a year ago. Wolves do not know who the hunters are only that they exist, and are happy they do what they do, well most of them.

This time our family will be staying here, this is because there should be a 2 to 3 hunter families for each pack.As we entered Lakewater I admired the scenery, it was beyond beautiful. We pulled up to a modest looking house, since we will be coming off as normal humans so this is perfect.

I climb out and took the first box of my belongings. This was clothing and my cd player with my crossbow and gun with silencer under them. Cant be walking around openly with them now and we Lol. 

I opened my room door and what I saw I was happy with. I had a relatively large room and large window with a ledge to sit on.Outside my window was a large tree I could use to climb in when coming from patrols or when I don't want to wake my parents when sneaking in after a night out. I was busy packing my clothes in my closet when I heard my dad call

"Hey maddie!" I heard my dad call.

 "Coming!" I said back as I ran down the stairs.

 "Will you come help us with the things that need to go to the basement please?" my dad said as I came through the door.

I picked up a box and took it to the basement.As I walked down into the basement I looked around, this will be my room for one day every month. The basement was made to be sound proofed and secured with the same thing my absorber is made of.

 Even though I am the keeper, I still cannot reject the moon. Therefore, I come to this room every full moon. In this room the power of absorber allows me not to shift, but my bones to break as they would in shifting but then reconstruct, all in human form. It is a painful process but it is worth it, keeping the wolf race safe of me getting into the wrong hands if I fully shift.

After helping my parents set up I left the basement, went up to my room, and unpacked the rest of my boxes. It was about 6pm when I was done. I went downstairs and got my mom in the kitchen.

"Hey mom what's for supper?" I asked. "I don't know hunny, why don't you run to the store and het us some supper, me and your dad is going to finish up the basement"

She gave me 100 $, I went and got my keys, I klimbed in my GTI, I saved up for since I was 12. What i always wanted a car like this???

It took 15 minutes to get to the local store. I walked in and gave the cashier a small smile. I walked down the alise picking out things I know my parents would be cool with. I was almost at the till when I remembered I wanted some m&m's and some coke for myself.

After I paid up, I made my way to my car, opened it and put the bags on my back seat. I plugged my phone in the radio and pushed played on bethlolmew's silent comedy and made my way home.I pulled up at my house and packed out the bags, I was about to lock the house door when I realized I had forgot my coke on the passenger seat and went back for it.

While I was walking, up to the house, a jeep rode slowly by. With my heightened senses I felt a pair of eyes on me. I looked at the car and I knew it was a wolf's car I could smell their sent. I heard a females loud voice come out of the car telling the guy about how she loves his biceps.

"Why are some girls so desperate for guy's attention?" I whisper sighed to myself as I walked into the house.

Even though they were already a few houses away I still could hear her voice.

"And so damn loud" I told my house as closed the front door.


I woke up next to Elise, like every morning, but something about this day felt different.

I went outside, shifted, and took my morning run around the territory. There was new scents in the area.Probably the new hunters. I thought to myselfThe day went on as usual. Doing my duties as alpha.

We moved into the Lakeview area about 9 months ago so we've been here a while now. It was a pleasant place. Our neighbouring pack has been passive with us so we are on good terms with them. We have large forests and beautiful mountains as my mom would say

 I had a date with Elise tonight. I went to the store to get some flowers for my mom. As I left, I saw a car I never saw around here before. A neatly kept GTI, 'a guy always keeps his car neat'. I thought to myself.  I got ready for myself and Elise's date. We were on our way to the movies night. I took the long way around to the movies .

We came down a road and saw the gti from far. I slowed down to get a better look at the beauty. When I was about 4 houses away, a girl came running out the house and opening the car's passenger side and removing something. She locked the car and slowly walked away. There was something I smelt when we drove past her scent but it was faint.

"Is that our mate?" my wolf asked unsure.

"It can't be," I told him

"Her scent would be stronger," I said.

'Yeah you're probably right". My wolf replied

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2015 ⏰

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