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"You're totals gonna be $39.45"

"Okay, here!" Here you were at the pharmacy buying yourself some special needs and things that you were running out of at your place. Just so happens that you saw something you liked and couldnt risk the chance of someone else getting it.

I mean, we all do it right? See something we like and are on a budget but really want it...or is it just me? Well that's what you did in this situation. The item was a teddy bear that had gold eyes, all white, and a yellow/goldish halo. It was cute, and big and fluffy so you had to buy it.

As you walked out the store you smelled the scent of barbecue which made your stomach rumble a bit. So you went to the location that held the delicious scent. There were 2 woman that looked about their 40s scrambling around inside a food truck that read 'Big Dadde BBQ' you chuckled to yourself at the name but nonetheless walked up to the line of people who were also discovering the wonderful smell of the food.

You observed around you a bit like you would always do when your anxiety started to kick in thinking people were staring at you but they weren't.

But there was people who caught your eye, like a man with blonde hair standing beside a drug store smoking a cigarette, also with all black on and quickly and nervously watching his surroundings.

A beautiful girl with a black bob and stoic face sitting on top of a bus stop bench staring off into space next to a blonde boy also looked to be staring off into space but slightly disturbed by whatever he was thinking about.

Their was also a tall man who you couldn't see the face of because of his hoodie and his slumped figure. It looked like he was watching out for something or someone. Then he walked away.

Then a young girl and boy who were running around talking to everyone in there pathway while the other...went into the pockets of the stranger that they successfully distracted. 'Nice idea but wrong person' you thought in your head as the person caught the girl who tried to steal his wallet.

They ran away also dropping the wallet on their way to god knows what while being chased by the person. Instead another man stepped in there way tripping the kids and continued on his way. The victim of their plan had caught up and was about to scold them but then you heard....


You turned to see that you were next in line out of the 7 people who were in front before you got in line. "What would you like baby?" The lady who you assumed to be the owner asked you. "Um..can I get a (insert your favorite soul food order)"
"Yes ma'am coming right up" she said cheerily before going further into the truck.

You took one more look around you before tuning your attention to her again. "Here you are! That'll be 15.50" wow. She really DID mean it when she said 'coming right up' lol.

You took your food and said your thanks before going on your way back to your empty apartment. Oh I didn't say that yet? Oh well let me explain.

You live alone, and have been for 4 years but just now saved enough to buy you're own place after living with your friend. It was very much necessary that you moved because their dad was becoming a little too comfortable around you which made you uncomfortable.

You told your friend but they just said 'it's ok y/n, that's just how he plays haha' you didn't take that as being old when you would wake up to him standing over your frame or him standing right behind you when you would be in the kitchen doing something, + more.

You just had to get out of there. And don't even get me started on your family, I'll get to that during the story tho, k.

As you walked to your apartment which was past the sketchy side of town, in which you had to walk by to get to your apartment, you heard grunting. It was quite disturbing considering that it was outside but nonetheless you walked away a little further to get away from it.

You walked a little more and heard your stomach rumbling just ready to eat the food you got in the comfort of your bed while watching tv.

So you decided to take a short cut to get home faster. In the alleyway you took it was dark with one blinking light on and garbage cans everywhere. It was long as fuck. And just as you were about to be at the end of the alleyway you saw a body.

You walked up closer to get a good look at it and saw that this body was a man. Barely breathing with a gun shot wound in his lower stomach. When you got a better look at his face you saw that it was the man you saw earlier with the hood.

You gasped and for a second you didn't know what to do, then instantly remembered that you were training to become a surgeon. You don't know why you did it but you picked the man up and put his arms across your shoulders. But man was he heavy and tall.

As you struggled to get him up the stairs of your apartment you could feel his breath on your neck slow down even more than it was. So you tried to rush up the stairs faster to get into your home.

Once you finally made it through the door you layed him gently on your coffee table and ran off to get your supplies you had to help him.

A couple minutes passed by and you were done washing your hands and getting the supplies so you headed back over to the man. His eyes were slightly open probably cause he was somewhere he didn't know of.

When you got up to him you asked "uh hey. Can you hear me alright?" He sighed a bit but nodded anyway. "Great! Well not great but I'm a surgeon and I'm gonna help you okay?" He nodded again.

You started to get to work going through cutting off his hoodie and shirt and cleaning the dried up blood a little.

"Well sir your really strong for holding on for so long" (not a doctor or anything so these things may not be correct so stick with me)

After you patched and sewed him up after successfully taking out the bullet, you sighed. This was your first time actually doing a surgeon routine on someone which was really dangerous of course but you could wait around for the ambulance just for them to take all day. He would've been gone by then.

You grabbed a wet towel and wiped down his chest, hands, and face. Now that you got a good look at him, he was really handsome. Long brown eyelashes, red lips, and a defined jawline.

But enough googling over the stranger you brought into your house with a gun wounded in his abdomen. Totally normal.

You moved him over to the L shaped couch you had careful not to rip open his stitches and grabbed and extra blanket for him and layed it across his body. Most of the blanket didn't fit cause he was tall so you mainly put it upon his upper half that didn't have any cover.

You cleaned off the table and the blood droplets that got in your floor while also throwing away his bloodied and ripped clothes. By this time it was at-least 2 in the morning. You sighed and went to go take a shower yourself.

When you got out you felt clean and refreshed and went to go eat the food you bought hours ago. And of course like you predicted it was cold. So you put it in the microwave and went to go check on the man that was on your couch.

He was sound asleep while snoring a little and his face looked at peace. Like he was actually comfortable and was not scrunching up his eyebrows anymore. You smiled and felt delighted that you could help him.

You were cut out of your daydream by the microwave beeping. You locked the door and got your food and went to eat in your room so you wouldn't disturb his sleep cause he needed it.

Once you got comfortable and put in your favorite tv show you got the first spoonful of your food. It wasn't as good as it would've been if you ate it when you got it but it was still good.

After a while you were done and put everything away, turned off all lights, and brushed your teeth ready for bed. You layed down with a sigh not even noticing how much your back was hurting before.

You drifted off to sleep finally after a long day.

Sooo how was it?? Gimme some opinions and things please and thank you. NOT proofread so I'm sorry for any typos.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2022 ⏰

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