Okie dokie

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Kayla looked out the window for a moment before returning to her computer screen. She had been binge watching Markiplier for about 13 hours, and she wasn't stopping now.
There was a knock on her bedroom door.
"Kayla, come on it's like 4pm. Let's go do something.", said a voice Kayla knew well.
"Just a few more minutes. Hours. Days."
Her friend, Matt , with their bright pink hair, walked inside.
"You haven't eaten all day. Let's go get some fries or something."
Kayla paused the video she was watching and looked at Matt.
"Pizza?",she asked.
Matt crossed their arms.
"God no. We've ordered from every pizzeria in just the past week. Let's eat something else."
Kayla thought for a moment, considering the outcomes from not eating pizza. None were too bad so she agreed and the two were off in Matt's scion.
"So fries?", Matt asked.
"Well why not Chipotle?" Kayla retorted.
"I just paid the plumbing."
"Understood ."
Matt looked over at Kayla whom was searching through the glove box for a CD. She looked cute, but in a punk way.
Kayla pulled out a CD out of the pile.
"AHA! Yes just what was looking for!"
Matt looked at the CD Kayla held in the triumphantly in the air. She looked back at the road.
"You were looking for "Barney and Friends Season 1 Soundtrack?""
Kayla looked at the CD and then tossed it into the pile again, red in the face.
"Th-that's not mine. My brother must have left i-"
Matt laughed and put a hand on Kayla's shoulder.
"Just teasing. I'm gonna take your ass to China Star."
Kayla smiled. "Okie dokie."
There was a silence. A deathly foreboding one.
"Did- did you just say "okie dokie"?"
Kayla nodded slowly. "I have sinned."
Matt made a quick U-turn and pulled into a McDonald's.
"Kayla- I love you, you're rad and awesome and you're basically the shit.", Matt said quietly, " but you can't eat China Star if you're gonna say that."
Kayla nodded, avoiding Matt's haze.
"I know. I'm sorry."
The two got out of the car to order their food. Once the food was in front of them the two chatted.
"Kayla you're a meme but I love that about you. You're strange obsession with Internet stars, your tendency to not hear yourself laugh with your earphones in so whenever you find something funny you sound like a dying turtle-"
"I do that?"
"Yes. And I love you're smile and your punk ways. It's cool as hell."
"Thanks Matt. I think the same of you. And sorry I said okie dokie earlier."
"It's ok Kayla. You're still punk."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2015 ⏰

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