new manager chapter 1

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Authors note-
Kinda spicy but it's just kissing I will try to post every day sorry if I don't and I do not own any of the pictures or characters in the story I only own the dad
and y/n

Y/n - your name
H/c - hair color
E/c - eye color
" - talking out loud
* - In your head
- what's happening around you
Back story-

You are now a first year. After your mom died you have been mentally and physically abused by your dad and have been forced to work at his shop and do everything for him, but since you are 16 you leave him and live on your own. You underestimated how hard it would be to make enough money to live on your own so you asked your uncle
Ukai if you could come live with him.

Personality and things you like/interests-

You are a bit of a potty mouth but it never really got you in trouble you are kind of a hermit you don't have a lot of friends - you have always been very good at volleyball and you love listening to music, car rides at night, the ocean, taking pictures of the sky, drawing, drawing on your hands, and pricings

Y/n pov-
* I fucking hate taking the train it's gross smelly and is full of people, I hate people.

* But that's what my stupid ass gets for running away without any money.*

*At least uncle Ukai was kind enough to let me stay at his house.*

I stepped of the bus and headed to my uncle's house.

*its pretty nice, better than living on the side of the road*

I walked through the door "OH Y/N YOUR HERE" Ukai said grinning widely

"hi uncle how have you been" you ran to him and gave him a hug

" thank you so much for letting me stay here you don't know how grateful I am"

"Don't sweat it kid, but there is one catch"

You looked up at him confused and worried

"Since you're so good at volleyball and transferring to karasuno I was hoping that maybe you would be a new manager for my team"

"oh- that's fine I thought you were gonna say something like : do my chores for a month. Or something haha"

he hands you the uniform he picked up for you and smiled widely

"thanks y/n I need more people to help me keep my boys straight"

"no problem uncle"

you walk upstairs to your room he had decorated it nicely

It was pretty cute it was very (whatever aesthetic you want)

you put your h/c hair into a bun and unpacked your suitcase.

Once you were done you changed into your PJs and went to bed exited for your first day at karasuno highschool tomorrow.


Sorry that was a bit short I promise the next chapters will be longer I just want to go to bed😭

strawberry kisses (tsukishima x reader/y/n)Where stories live. Discover now