Prologue: Whispers in the Dark

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*Hey guys! I'm back with a prologue of GEAH! As a reminder, the narrator will talk in Bold Italics and if you haven't seen either GEAH season 1 and 2, please go watch it before you read this fanfic. This was published on April 10, 2022. If you guys like this prologue of the episodes, don't be afraid to vote and comment! That will be greatly appreciated! Thank you guys for your support in this fic! Enjoy! Oh, btw, the song used is called "Enemy" by Imagine Dragons and JID.*

Thirty-Five Years Ago:

Hi! Hey, welcome back! I haven't seen you guys for a long time! Man, it's so good to see you all! Now, our story continues as—

"Rejoice, Death is not the end!" A distant voice called.

Who said that?!

Through the woods, there was a camp with the black flags waving a gold symbol with the slithering snake making an X-mark over the circle drawn. There were wooden houses forming a circle all around the town square with a crowd gathering in front of the stage. The people were all wearing masks while watching the priest standing proudly on the wooden stage...more proudly than a wilted tree behind the stage, hunched over slightly. A young blue-furred teenage boy was screaming in pain from the machine he was strapped in. Electricity was running through his veins as the young boy tried to struggle out of it but his body went limp.

"The Outsider must be punished for denying the whispers and influencing one of our own against us!" the priest spoke grandly. "He will pay for his sins!"

Oh...uh, we're torturing somebody now? Where's Guy and Sam in this—? Oh, wait a minute, we're—oh, we're in the past now. Oh! Okay, uh...let's, uh, not—

Within the crowd, a young bright blue-furred teenage girl wearing a white dress to contrast everyone else's dark clothing stood there with her mouth gaping and her eyes broadening in horror.

Now, who's this?

She moved her purple hair out of her face while her heart was pounding. She stood between two adults who would be considered her parents in the cult but with different colored furs than hers. A purple-furred hand was placed on her shoulder as she looked up at the man who she called father.

"It's for your own good, Sara. His Outsider ways won't influence you anymore," her father stated softly.

Sara exhaled a shaky breath while hearing more of the boy's scream that she came to know. Long before the execution was taking place. The more she watched him writhe and cry in agony, the more she wanted to run up the stage to help him.

"Stay in your spot." A whisper came into her ears. She was stuck in her spot while trembling at the sight of the boy she fell in love with.

"He deserved it."

"You shouldn't feel bad."

"Don't help him. He doesn't deserve to live."

No, No! Wha-what are these whispers?! Okay, okay, Sara, you need to listen to me. That boy is getting tortured for Seuss knows what. You gotta help him. If you don't, he's going to die.

Sara breathed heavily while her heart pounded in her chest. She knew that she couldn't just stay in her spot. She had to do something. She didn't know who the voice was that convinced her to go help him but she knew that the voice was right. Sara took a deep breath and hurried through the crowds to get to the boy and the machine he's strapped in.

"Sara," she heard her parents whisper her name loudly but she took no heed to it. She kept going and persisting while going around the wooden stage and found an outlet glued to the wilted tree behind the stage. She unplugged the machine, ceasing the electricity going through his veins.

The crowd murmured in confusion as the priest noticed the machine was turned off. Before anyone could say or comment anything, Sara went up the stage from behind and quickly untied the boy. The scrawny boy was barely conscious as Sara pulled him off the machine. The boy stumbled a bit but he was able to stand and gain consciousness. He looked up at Sara with a gasp in shock that she was the one saving him. Sara caressed his face and pressed her forehead against his as he held her wrists loosely, her fingertips smoothing out his dark blue fur.

Before Sara could tell him anything, she was gripped in the arms and pulled away from the boy by the hooded guards.

The boy gasped in shock while watching his lover being held back from him. He reached out to get to her, only to see more guards coming toward him as well. Sara shook her head vigorously.

"Run, Joe, run!" Sara cried out while struggling in the men's grips.

The boy, Joe, narrowed his brows in determination. "I'll come back for you! I promise!"

With that said, Joe sprinted off the stage and away from the guards chasing after him. The tears were welling up in his eyes while he wiped them away just to reach the border of the cult's camp. The bullets crashed through trees beside him, causing him to yelp. He approached the metal fence that stood to divide the cult from the rest of the world. Joe climbed the fence as fast as he could, his body still burned from being electrified earlier. He tumbled over the top of the fence as the guns were still shooting at him. He dropped down to the hard ground as he scampered back to his feet and sprinted through the woods with heavy pants to get away from the hooded guards, who stopped near the fence.

All the while, Sara was struggling in the guards' hold back in the cult camp as she was strapped on the machine.

"We shall reprogram you back to us," the priest growled at Sara, who nodded to the other hooded guard, who was already there at the plug-in at the tree. He plugged the machine back on, igniting it to the point where it's electrocuting her now. She screamed in pain as her vision blurred and all she could see was darkness and all she could hear was her agonizing screams.

To Be Continued...

Green Eggs and Ham Season Three: The Last ServingDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora