Chapter 1

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*Anita and Y/n listen to music while you both make a photoblog.*

Luzia:"Anita and Y/n, are you both dressed yet? It's the first day of school. We can't be late... "

Y/n:"Come on, Internet!"

Anita:"Load this page already."

Luzia:"Antia and Y/n!"

*The photoblog is loading*

Anita and Y/n:"YES, it worked! We have a photoblog account!"

Luzia:"The computer's in your room. You have all day to use it. I wannna use the phone!"

Anita:"So what?"

Y/n:"Dad's old TV is in your room, Luzia."

Anita:"Jeez! It was your choice."

Luzia:"Why do you both even want a photoblog? You both have no life."

*Anita and Y/n starting to create a account.*

Y/n:"A username is like a Tattoo."

Anita:"It's gotta be something..."

Y/n:"We'll never regret."

Luzia:"Anita and Y/n, you both are lunatic!"

Y/n:"Nice one, Luzia."

Anita:"What do you mean?"

*Y/n makes a username for the photoblog*


<>Create a account<>


<>Password: *****


Anita:"Oh...Now we gotta choose the right picture."

Luzia:"Anita and Y/n, I'm calling Mom. Open the door!"

*Anita chooses a picture of you both*

Y/n:"Wow! You look just like Amélie Poulain."

*Anita types:"Y/n and Anita on our first day of high school."*

Anita:"That sound like we're 12-year-old..."

Anita's mind:"You can do better than that. Come on, Anita."

*Anita types: 'The first day of the rest of our life.
Dislikes: Phony People, the ugly statue at the square, the way the rain screws up out hair, the people of Imperatriz, who never mind their own business, and Imperatriz itself.
Likes: Paris and traveling. Kittens! Being independent. The purple door in our favorite show. Rock music. Live our dreams. It's all we want.'*

*Anita uploads the photo*

Luiza:"I'm going to unplug the Internet, Anita and Y/n...if we're late on our first day, you both are dead!"

Y/n:"How long until we're adults and we can finally live our life?"

*Anita and Y/n walk out of their room*

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