Untitled Part 1

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Nikita was bullied at school becouse she wore glasses, she had big nose, she was fat and she was from another country.

 Nikita had no friends becouse all of them thought she was ugly, but after 2 years there was a new girl in school Jasemine.

As time passed Nikita started to feel more comfortable about her look, she even liked her body type.

Jasemine came up to Nikita and sayd,

: Your really beutiful.

 Oh eh thanks nobody ever say that before , sayd Nikita.

Jasemine began laughing , well heres the first time, so do you  wanna be friends ?

Nikita sayd yes becouse she didn't have any other friends.

As time passed Nikita became popular, and all the boys wanded to date her.

When Nikita and Jasemine was 16, Jasemine got on the table and asked  Nikita if she wanded to be her gf.

Nikita sayd yes, and they kissed.

When they became 18 they both got a frog tattoo ,they drank alcohol.

One day they both were bored and then they both aked at the same time

: Do u wanna make out?

They both answerd yes, so they ran to the bedroom and started to make out.

9 months later Nikita became a mom with Jasemine.

They name the kid Riley, as she grew up she told Nikita and Jasmine that she was non-binary.

Riley was scared of how they would react, but  they accepted her.

Riley was so happy that she ran to hug them.

Its 2022 now and me and my family  live a happy life.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2022 ⏰

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