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Opening my eyes, I look around. I'm in a forest, one that's beautifully green and pink. The sweet scent of blooming flowers is in the air. The sun beats down on my skin and I embrace the warmth. It's very peaceful where I am. The wind rustles the leaves on the tall trees and birds sing a perfect melody.

" Kin! It's time to go home!" a female voice calls.

Footsteps approach me and I lift my head off of the soft grass.

" Kin, father is waiting for us! He made your favorite for dinner!"

A shadow casts over me as a girl stands above me. Her short black hair hanging over her face.

" Okay, okay. I'm coming," I sigh, sitting up.

The girl steps back and offers me her hand. I take it and she helps me stand up. She then holds my hand and drags me through the forest and into a valley where a village lies.

" Ichika, how's the village?" I ask.

" It's pretty calm today and the crops were bountiful," Ichika explains.

We arrive at a larger house and the girl pushes open the door.

" Mother, father? I brought Kin back!" she announces.

This all feels so unfamiliar. It feels as if I've been here for years, but it's wrong in some way. The whole vibe is just...off...

" That's great!" my mother cheers.

She comes to greet me at the door. She has long black hair and crystal blue eyes. Her face is symmetrical and well shaped.

" Oh son, you look upset! Is something the matter?" she asks, hugging me.

Yes. Something is wrong, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

" Nothing's the matter!" I say cheerfully and hug her back.

Her sweet scent fills my nose and I sigh gratefully.

" Good afternoon Kin! How was the forest?" my father calls from the kitchen.

" Peaceful," I answer, taking off my shoes and walking towards the dining room table, " the birds were singing that same melody as they had yesterday and the wind was all the same."

" It must smell very different out there, considering it just turned summer," he smiles.

" It smelt warmer out there!" Ichika says, grabbing plates and setting the table.

I sit next to my father and in front of my mother. My sister places the food on the table. Oddly enough, one of the dishes is miso soup.

Clasping his hands together and closing his eyes, my father speaks.

" Thank you for this food and another wonderful day with my family," he whispers.

" Thank you," we all say in unison.

I stare down at the reflection in the soup and an unfamiliar face stares back. I look human, but I don't remember being human...I run my index and middle fingers over my left eye. I could've sworn I had a scar here...

Not to mention, I thought my mother and sister had died when I was younger, or maybe that was just a bad dream.

" You're acting weird Kin," Ichika laughs.

I lift my eyes and stare at her. She is my sister alright, but shouldn't she look more like a...demon...?

" You don't look the same," I say, taking a look at the rest of my family.

My mother doesn't seem to have changed, however, she is just..off...

I have no other way to explain it.

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