Chapter 22: The Other World

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Eren's POV:

I watched slowly as Zeke pelts rocks at Reiner and Y/N. My blood began to boil as this wasn't part of the plan at all. I had to keep going, and push forward, but I will need to make it up to her later. What pissed me off more was her getting pelted by rocks again. The first time was maybe she was in the way, but nothing was near her, and she was about to get pelted again! I clenched my jaw, as I continued to move forward, but was nervous since Zeke was shot down.

Y/N's POV:

I watched as Eren continued walking, but was stopped by the Jaw Titan biting his leg. Eren then raises his arm and began to beat the shit out of his nape, and when he went for another hit, he was shot once again. I watched as Eren was fighting Reiner again, but watched as that bastard Zeke was still alive. He started to get up, and was about to let out a titan scream, but Eren and I raised our arms out.
"WAIT!" We shouted. Suddenly the two Marylans standing in front of Zeke pleading for him to not scream. I couldn't hear from the two, but I could understand the facial expressions.
"Oh, Colt. You care deeply for your little brother just like I do. I understand, and I'm so sorry." Zeke sighed, and began that damn scream. I was so pissed, and began charging at Zeke before Eren grabs my leg.
"LET ME GO YOU BASTARD!" I shouted. Eren then uses the War Hammers ability on me, sticking me into place by stabbing me. "EREN!!" I screamed, and let out a titan roar. I watched as the people who drank the wine, turned into titans.
"Falco, Take him." Zeke sighed, as the titan kid ran after Reiner, and got pinned down as well alongside with Eren fighting him. I screamed and roared trying to break free from this pillar of pain. I saw Eren kick Reiner back, but I swung my free leg, kicking him back, and Reiner grabs his leg. They both were fighting as the Cart shot another bullet at Zeke. Suddenly, I watched the Falco kid, run towards the still alive Jaw and eat him. My eyes widened is shock. Then, Reiner, out of pure anger, punches Eren in the jaw, but Eren had an ace up his damn sleeve. He chomps down on his hand and quickly hardened his whole Titan and begins to run towards Zeke.
"NO YOU DON'T, BASTARD!!!" I shouted, ripping out of my Titan form and tackling Eren to the ground.
"Y/N! GET OFF! I NEED TO GET TO ZEKE!" Eren yells, throwing me off, running towards him.
"I WONT LET YOU!! YOU GOD DAMN TRAITOR!!!!" I shouted, as bolts of lightning strike around me, but nothing happened. I charged towards Eren, as Reiner breaks out of the crystal, then goes to pick us up both, but was stopped by thunder spears.
"Y/N! PLEASE! JUST STAND BACK!" He warns, running as I'm trailing behind.
"I'M GOING TO KILL ZEKE BEFORE YOU GET TO HIM!!!" I screamed, as the floor began to crystallize, and I slid towards Zeke. Eren's eyes began to widened, and glow in anger as he began to run faster.
"RUN! YOU'RE ALMOST THERE!" Zeke shouts, holding his hand out to him. We were both neck and neck as I was sliding on forming crystals on the floor and him on a barefoot sprint. But, suddenly. . . As if it were a movie. . . Everything began to move slow as we both turned to see Gabi, holding a sniper, Eren being quick thinking, holds me close as Gabi's eyes widened and sheds a tear, shooting our heads clean off.

Flashback: Eren's POV:

I walked towards our meeting spot with Zeke, as he told me to not bring Y/N with me because it was a more private conversation. I couldn't bring her along anyway due to the fact she had gone to bed, due to her overnight shift that cause to stay up a whole twenty-four hours.
"First of all, thanks, for agreeing to meet with me. Did you bring her?" Zeke asks.
"No." I bluntly stated.
"Good, I'm glad we're getting to talk. You spoke with Yelena, which means you know where I stand. The Eldian euthanization plan. Do you support it or not?" He asks me, as I looked up to the sky.
"Four years back, something happened to open one of our dad's memories to me. I relived his memory of the night he slaughtered the royal family of the walls, and help the L/N's with Y/N acquiring the Song Titan." I sighed, looking at my hand. "He crushed their little kids. Smeared them like bugs. I felt their bodies break. If those kids had lived, the royal family would've reclaimed the Founder and killed Y/N when they had the chance. Then bound to the vow renouncing war, humanity inside of the walls would've lost any chance of surviving. The deaths of those children are what allowed us to live." I grumbled, as Zeke turned a bit.
"Interesting. So does that mean you agree with him? Think he did the right thing?" Zeke questions.
"No. Our old man was mistaken." I started, as Zeke gasped. "What's more, I think it'd be fair to say that I'm just another mistake of his, and Y/N is a mistake of her parents. If the Eldians in this town had never been born, then none of them would have to suffer and die in the plan that you and I are about to carry out. This world was never our birthright. It's a hell to be saved from. I'll do it Zeke." I explained, as we faced each other. "When the moment comes, I'll bring 2,000 long years of Titan domination to an end, and keep Y/N as safe as possible. Until then, we both keep moving forward. All right, brother?" I asked, watching Zeke starting to tear up.
"Yeah, Precisely. It's settled, then. Okay. I want nothing more than to shake your hand, Eren. But, well, it's best if we don't make physical contact yet. So, in lieu of that, I'll give you this." He explains, as he pulls out a baseball. "Eren. We're gonna save everyone. Including Y/N." Zeke said, tossing the ball towards me. I let it pass by me, as I looked down at it. "Let it slip past me. Guess I've gotten sluggish. All that time in the hospital." I sighed, grabbing the ball.

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