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It's the selection day.

Us widows, we have to assemble and the General will pick two, maybe three of us that are capable of completing the mission.

The door of my shared room opened with a loud bang. It's time to wake up, but I've been awake for way too long already.

I hear the clicking of the handcuffs, which I'm tied to the bed with. I got out of the bed, and the handcuffs got reconnected behind my back, just so I couldn't do anything stupid.

They took us to the washrooms, like every morning. We'd have time to shower, wash our faces, etc. We attend these rooms group-wise. Roommates go together.

We're always the first ones to go, since we're the highest achieving group of the academy. It's hierarchical.

They shut the doors loudly and pushed us into the room. I decided to not take a shower, since it'll get nasty today anyway. Why?

I'm the highest achieving widow right now, PLUS I'm General Dreykov's and Madame B's favorite. I'm most likely to get picked.

I washed my face and stepped back to wait at the door again. I really wanted this day to get over with. I want to make this end, finally.

When everyone was ready, the doors opened and the air conditioning turned on, so the condensation inside of the room could vanish. I got handcuffed again and escorted to my room.

"Put on your uniforms. If you get picked, you'll leave on instant." A security guard spoke as he locked the door.

We did as he said. We can do nothing else than obey. It's our life. Obey. Kill.

We got ready and braided our hair. It's a no-go to attend a selection without a braid. It could get into your way whilst ending someone's life.

What also gets in the way are..periods.

Sounds odd, but it's reality. That's why they take our reproductive organs. They give us a so-called involuntary hysterectomy.

That basically means, that I can't have kids. Or periods. I don't have a uterus at all. It's just the way it is. I can't do anything about it.

I braided my hair into two dutch braids, that I tied together in the back. It looks nice and no hair ever can get in your face.


"Alyona Jalena Belova, please step forward." The voice echoed through my head.

I did as ordered and kept a straight posture. The General looked me up and down before saying something silently to an employee.

"She'll go."

I stood still and carefully observed the scenery. The General skimmed over a list, as far as I could tell. I made sure not to seem suspicious as I watched him.

"Yelena Fyodorovna Belova. Step forward." He commanded.

I heard her step next to me. We didn't share a look, we just stood still.

"She'll go too."

He seemed to be done with the selection. He handed the list to the same employee and smirked as he turned around to be escorted.

Oh, the way he disgusts me is unreal.

I felt the tension exit the room as the General did. It's mad how much control he has. But he doesn't achieve that control with respect, but with fear.

"The widows that haven't been selected, attend your rooms." Madame B. Ordered, using the speakers.

That voice makes a cold shiver run down our spines.

~𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑏𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑖𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑡~  a book about a young widowWhere stories live. Discover now