Chapter 3

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Kiera pov

It's been 3 months and Sumihiko-San has basically adopted us. Actually he kinda adopted only Erez aka Tanjuro since he thought that Erez and I liked each other and it would be weird if he adopted both of us cause then we'd be siblings.

We have adapted to living here quite well if I say so myself. I mostly did the housework. Sumihiko-San didn't want to let me do it saying how he didn't want me to do the housework just because I was a female. But I insisted. He looked so sick so how could I not help him?

Even though he was sick he was always full of energy as he always performed a dance called 'Hinokami Kagura' every evening no matter the weather, something that Erez picked up from him.

Erez has completely changed from our time here. Before he used to be carefree but Sumihiko-San acted like a father towards him and he is now very calm and very thoughtful.

Both Erez and I have grown closer. At night, the two of us would sneak out and sit underneath the stars and gaze at each other's eyes. He'd put his arm around me and I'd snuggle closer.

It's exactly like a romance novel!!!

Before I knew it I was helplessly in love with him. Sometimes at night, I'd lay awake and dream that we were getting married and that we had kids. I even thought of names!

Tanjiro, if I have a son and Nezuko, if I have a daughter!

I wanted to stay like this forever. Away from the empire. Away from the demon inside Cosette.

I wanted to be happy....

But as we all know.... Reality.... is often disappointing.....

As the days pass, both Erez and Sumihiko-San are getting weaker. So I have indulged myself in practicing, to summon the water spirits.

I tried using my mana as a booster, used every bit of my willpower but I was not able to summon the spirits.

Once a while, Cosette would appear in my dreams and encourage me to keep trying and not give up.

Five months later

I can't do it.... If I am not able to summon the spirits then I won't be able to help Sumihiko-San and Erez. And..... She will kill me...

I wanted to ask someone for help. So I decided to go to Sumihiko-San.

"Ano.. Sumihiko-San...?" - Kiera

"Hmm? Yes Child? Is something the matter?" - Sumihiko

"I am sorry for disturbing you while you were resting but well... If, If you were to try to summon water then what would you do? Like what would you focus on? I mean I know it cannot be done in real but still.... I was curious...." - Kiera

"Haha it's fine.... Hmm... let me think... well if it is water then maybe a cool refreshing feeling? Whenever I think of water, I think of the calmness of the waves that can lull anyone to sleep. If I wanted to summon water then I'd focus on everything inside my heart and let it slowly flow out as if trying to get a burden off my chest. If you want to summon water then I think you should try becoming like it. Cool and calm. I think you should do this. Kiera should take a break, right? So take a deep breath in and let it all out...." - Sumihiko

"Arigato Sumihiko-San!" - Kiera

What Sumihiko-San said makes sense! Water is supposed to be calm.

All this time I was trying to summon the water spirits while I was frustrated and tried using strength. But the water spirit isn't a weapon. I want to use the spirits to heal not fight.

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