Leonard owned the house given it was a former safe house when he was still stealing expensive things with Mick when he was earthside, so he could keep it. He wasn't keeping Micheal and Barry here, however, not after this.

I'm gonna string up your old button-down and slide it on the porch

Just in case you get the nerve to come knockin' on my door

Stringing up the shirt to the best of his ability, he sped around the house packing some of his and Micheal's things before he hung the damned object on the flagpole that Leonard had installed outside the property just before Micheal was born, pulling the strings until the shirt fluttered in the wind, the word 'CHEATER' chiselled under it in the pole for good measure.

If Leonard even had the gall to think to contact him, this would at least deter him for a while as the first thing he would see was what he'd done and there was nothing that rattled Leonard more than someone presenting him with his own work.

Yeah, I'ma have to hang you out to dry, dry, dry

Clothespin all your secrets to the line, line, line

Barry couldn't help but bristle already seeing their neighbours come out to view the spectacle, wide-eyed and already gossiping loudly as Barry angrily stomped inside, smiling ruefully at Micheal who'd come downstairs to most likely get a snack from the kitchen. "Hey, buddy, glad I caught you before you went back to your room. Do you wanna get out of your school uniform and put it in your overnight bag for me? We're going to stay with your Grandpa Joe and Grandma Cecile for a bit."

"Really? Why Dad?" Of course, Micheal was curious. His son was so much like them and once he knew about this, long into the future, he'd be devastated. "Not like it's not cool or nothing. I haven't seen Jenna in ages thanks to that gifted school she's going to. Is Papa coming with us after he gets home?"

Leave 'em blowing in the wind, just say goodbye to you

All those midnights sneaking in "I'm late again, oh, I'm so sorry"

All the Ajax in the world ain't gonna clean your dirty laundry

"No, he isn't." He didn't mean to add a hard line in his voice, but it came out anyway. "You and I are going without him. He needs some time on his own for a little bit without you and me in his space. You know, like when he and Uncle Mick sometimes hang out or sometimes when he goes out with your other uncles and aunts, like Aunt Lisa."

He couldn't believe he'd be calling Mick Rory of all people as well as the Legends at large aunts and uncle to their son, but most of those guys including Mick by some weird happenstance, had their own kids now and he couldn't exactly separate Leonard from his best friend since he was 15 in juvenile detention.

[There was most likely a separation coming in the future he wasn't prepared for, but right now, he wasn't crossing that bridge, not with his son around to witness him breaking down.]

Found it over in the corner, wadded up on the bedroom floor

You shoulda hid it in the closet, you shoulda burned it, you shoulda lost it

Nodding, his son ran off quite excitedly (most likely due to seeing Jenna, his son totally had a crush on her, but he'd never tell Joe or he wouldn't hear the end of it from both Micheal and him) to pack the rest of his bag that Barry passed to him before he slumped bonelessly into a nearby chair, struggling with what to do next.

Now I'ma have to hang you out to dry, dry, dry

Clothespin all your secrets to the line, line, line

The excuse that they were staying with Micheal's pseudo grandparents would only work for so long until he started asking why they weren't going back home and why Leonard hadn't called or come by to see them. He didn't know what he would say to that then.

Plus, despite knowing it was a terrible thing to do, he'd have to block Leonard's number on Micheal's phone for a while with his own and meet with Micheal's school to get Leonard taken off his pick up list and off other events as well while he wrapped his head around things, sorted out what was going to happen and Leonard grovelled.

[That was a big maybe however, he didn't know if the man knew the meaning of the word.]

Leave 'em blowing in the wind, just say goodbye to you

All those midnights sneaking in "I'm late again, oh, I'm so sorry"

All the Ajax in the world ain't gonna clean your dirty laundry

He knew Joe and Iris and others would be mad also and want to rip him a new one, but Barry didn't know if he'd let them do anything. He was numb to it all, for now, only sorting out himself and his son with a hasty exit and even worse, damage to Leonard's reputation (not like it could get any lower) before he sorted out other problems.

Out to dry, to the line

For now however, son under his arm and oblivious to the neighbours, the flag or even the turmoil his father was going through, Barry just shuffled him into the car and backed out of the drive, starting the short travel to Joe's place and texting him that he was coming with Micheal and asking what he wanted for dinner as he'd pick it up. His treat.

He didn't notice that as he turned the corner and disappeared, a beat-up pickup truck in the shade of ice blue was slowly making its way up the other street on its way home, the person inside expecting to see his partner and son waiting for him.

If only he knew just how wrong he would be.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2022 ⏰

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