Healing You

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Next morning when Aarohi woke she saw Neil was already awake ,not only awake but was fully ready, he was wearing a black Tee with white capri and was reading his book .His duvet was nicely folded and kept on his side of bed.she was amazed looking to him wearing only a T-shirt and capri in this cold .Aarohi thought that may be its an AC room so he may be feeling little less cold ,thinking so she removed her blanket but soon she started shivering ,she immediately put her sweater and asked "are you real ".

Listening to Aarohi ,Neil looked at her with questioning eyes,she spoke to him " its chilling ,and you are wearing just a T-shirt and a Capri .

Neil- then what should i suppose to do ,you want me to dress like teddy bear like you .

Aarohi pouted and spoke checking herself " m i looking like teddy ".

Neil- yeah a pink teddy.

Aarohi- that's because I m feeling cold, aren't you feeling cold ."

Neil smiled to her concern and spoke teasing her " have you ever gone to San Francisco ."

Aarohi shook her head negatively ,he again smiled looking to her and spoke
" I m used to this weather as normally San Francisco has this weather only ."

Aarohi raised her eyes ,understanding the fact,then she went to washroom to complete her morning chores.She came out fully dressed after good half an hour .She was getting ready for outing as the manager has told everybody will leave hotel at 8.00 and will return at 5.00 pm in evening .After 5.00 pm everybody is free to roam and visit market by themselves .

Till she got ready their breakfast arrived ,both had their breakfast in silence ,actually she wanted to talk but Neil was silent so she also opted to be silent .She looked at him ,he was too engrossed in his book that he don't have any idea that she is looking at him .Actually Aarohi was looking deeply into him and was trying to understand him ,he was silent and calm , Aarohi got confused thinking that he is the same guy who had tears in his eyes. she wanted to know the reason for his sorrow ,his tears but he is looking so calm and composed as he never had any problem in his life .She was lost in him when their phone buzzed at the same time ,they looked at their phone together ,both reacted differently . Neil saw the massage in his phone and kept it back in it's place while Aarohi finished her breakfast quickly and gave last touch up to herself as it was message from the manager to inform that they are leaving shortly ,so she has to reach downstairs quickly.

Aarohi checked herself in mirror again ,took her bag and was about to leave ,she turned back once to check him and was surprised to see him still sitting in same position ,till yesterday night she was not a bit interested in knowing about him but after looking his tears she was very much desperate to know about him .She walked to him and spoke " aren't you coming for outing ".

Neil- nope you go and enjoy ,i m good here only .

Aarohi ( crossing her hands till her chest )- aap yahan ghoomne aaye hain na then why are you not coming for sight scene, you can read your book anytime.

Neil- had I ever poke my nose in your matter .

Aarohi shook her head negatively .

Neil- then why are you poking you nose in my matter mujhe nahi jaana to nahi jaana tum jaao ghoomo phiro why are you behind me .that's why I don't like this place ,everybody wants to deal in others matter .

Neil( murmuring)- I m just waiting for Abhimanyu and Nishita's marriage to happen asap so that I can leave this country forever .

Though he was saying this to himself but Aarohi too listened this ,she got more disturbed,listening to him .She went downstairs and joined other passengers .The bus drove away to their first destination but Aarohi was lost in Neil's thought ,moreover the though that he is leaving India after Abhira's marriages was disturbing her .She knows very well that Abhimanyu is going to marry Akshara then who is this Nishita .The troop reached to their first destination ,everybody got down from the bus and as all were couples they went for sight scene with their partner only Aarohi was alone ,she saw a lone place and went there .she sat there and called Akshara ,after talking to her for sometimes Aarohi asked Akshara about Neil .

Akshara told that she don't know much about him ,she just know that Neil is son of one of the most richest person of Delhi and he is childhood friend of Abhimanyu .Aarohi wanted to know more about him ,so Akshara gave Abhimanyu's number to her so that she can know more about Neil . Aarohi thought for sometimes ,she was hesitant to interfere in someone's life like this but she was not able to stop herself from knowing more about him .After thinking much at last she called Abhimanyu .He picked the call , Aarohi introduce herself as Neil's room partner

After talking to him for sometimes she asked about Neil . Abhimanyu just introduced Neil as Mr birla's son and a NRI who has come to attend his wedding .He thought he had told every thing to Aarihi and was about to hung the call when Aarohi asked about Nishita . Abhimanyu was surprised to know that Aarohi know about Nishita as Neil is an introvert person he himself will not tell this to anyone that to an unknown girl .Then Aarohi told everything to Abhimanyu and also told that Neil's tears and his today's outburst shows that he is in immense pain ,may be she can't cure them but can try to sooth his wounds . Abhimanyu got so happy that after Neil's mother ,some other person beside his family is so interested in knowing his mental state and help him.

Abhimanyu told everything about Neil's relationship with his mother and about her dismissal ,he also said that Neil consider Mr Birla as his mothers culprit and stopped talking to him. He told that after toshiji's death this is the first time Neil has come to India to attend Nishita's ,his sisters marriage. He also told that though it is been five years since his mothers death but Neil still misses her too much and he still cry recalling her and after her death nobody has come close to Neil as he has distanced himself from everybody .

Abhimanyu after telling everything about Neil hung the call but Aarohi felt very bad for Neil ,she so wanted to help him but not getting any idea to sooth him.Before she can think any idea all were called for leaving from there to next destination . Aarohi was alone earlier also ,but now she wanted to be alone ,she don't wanted anyone to disturb her as she was busy in thinking about Neil .All the day they went to many places but Aarohi's thoughts were around Neil only ,all the places she was visiting ,she was imagining that how Neil would have looked at this place .It was 4.30 when all the people was returning to their hotel ,the manager was telling everybody that tomorrow they will be visiting Ranikhet ,a very beautiful place in the lap of nature .Everybody was excited to visit that place. Aarohi decided that anyhow she will take Neil with her.

Aarohi (st)- So Mr Neil Birla get ready to enjoy the nature ,I will make you visit all these beautiful place and will also try that you start enjoying your life again.

She was now determined to bring changes in Neil's life ,she was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't realised when they reached their hotel.

That's all for now friends .Hope you like this part .Enjoy reading and do comment

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