What makes you want to commit suicide?

How does he prevent you from killing yourself?

Should he comfort you? Should he be there at the moment when you're about to do it?

A lot of questions ran circles in his head. But he quickly shook them off, thinking it's better to deal with the Black Dragons first before anything else.


"She loves me..."


"She loves me not..."


"No good... I can't stop..."


"Auntie... please come home soon." You prayed with all your heart. She always worked late, and you've always missed her. Although you knew it can't be helped, you still can't help but still lonely, even with Mr. Froppé sitting by your side.

Oh, right. Isn't there a church nearby? I should go there... for... Wait, people pray in churches, right? You had to blame yourself for not listening well in school, but you were like 65% sure. Which isn't a lot, but still worth the try. You quickly tidied up the messes you've made and set out with your bunny friend.

You had to stop in your tracks with you noticed numerous people in front of the church.

B... D... There's English letters on their shirts. You cocked your head in confusion, when one of the guys noticed you.

"Oi! Run along, girl. Nothin' to see."

Oh, there's definitely something to see. But you still wanted to pray, so you quickly left the scene for now. If you remembered correctly, there should be another entrance somewhere else.

You passed by here enough times to remember that.

"Look, Mr. Froppé. Another door." You moved towards the door and slightly open it. Your eyes instantly saw someone punching another. Your body flinched up, and even worse, the guy who threw that punch noticed you.

"Looks like we got ourselves a visitor." Just he started to walk towards you, you immediately shut the door out of instinct, and stepped backwards.

He came out, a lot faster than you'd imagined, and grabbed you by the wrist, lifting your arm entirely and as well as yourself. He's so strong! And his grip hurts... He forced you to stare at him while he inspected you. "Um... Whatever I saw in there, I won't tell a soul." You spoke quietly, now really regretting your decision.

He smirked at you, as if you just told a funny joke. Instead of saying anything, he just dragged you inside. You were slightly panicking, but also felt like giving up. Is this where I die? You couldn't help but mentally sighed at yourself. It was either death, or hours worth of pain inflicted on you.

Neither sounds good, but you were too weak to resist his grip on you.

Once you were inside, you heard gasps. "[Last Name]-san!?"

Huh? You lifted your gaze up from the floor, seeing Mitsuya first, Chifuyu then Takemichi. Plus a few others that you didn't know. They're all injured... "Let her go! She has nothing to do with this!!" You heard Chifuyu screaming, but you were still wondering what they were all doing.

But then you remembered all the men outside the church. Did I just... Did you just got involved in some gangs? You knew Toman was a gang, but the B.D. group or whatever has to be another gang too. And you got yourself involved in it unwanted!

You really messed up now, huh?

"TAIJU―!!!" You saw Mitsuya coming straight at you with full speed and he punched the guy in the face. You felt his grip weakened on you, and the next thing you know, you were pulled away by Mitsuya and the others.

"[Last Name]-chan, stay back." Chifuyu quickly blocked Taiju's view from you. "But you're injured..." You quietly mumbled, but stepped back anyway to hide behind the seats.

Your back leaned on the seats, pulling Mr. Froppé closer to your stomach while you lowered your head to your knees, wanting to disappear on the spot now.

You remembered why fighting was so awful now.

Was it because of your father, your elementary bullies, or the gang fights you were unwillingly in? Because it seemed like a mix of the three. You hated it. Your brought your hands up to your ears, covering them to stop the sounds from reaching you.


Fighting reminds you of many horrible memories.


You heard a sound, even though your ears were blocked.

Stop it... I don't want to hear it anymore...

Swoosh― slam!!

Your shoulders tensed up while your arms and legs squeezed together. You wanted to be as small as possible in that moment. Every sound makes you flinch, and every shout makes you fear opening your eyes more. You could imagine it vividly in your head. Them sending a punch here and there, swinging their legs up for a kick, injuries all over their bodies ― It makes you nauseous.

This feeling... When was the last time you felt so afraid? Probably when you saw that incident.

"Eh? There's a little mouse hiding here."

You held your ears tighter, ignoring whoever was speaking above you. But then you felt someone holding your shoulder. Their grip wasn't rough or harsh. It was... gentle. Like you could barely feel their touch at all.


You peeked an eye open, hearing that familiar voice. "Mikey-...san?" You now realized that everyone was standing around looking at you with concern. "Hey, look! The little mouse spoke, Ken-chin!" Mikey exclaimed, oddly cheerful.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't have to go narrate it for me." Draken grumbled.

"You feeling better, [Last Name]?" Mitsuya asked, and you quickly got on your knees, turning around to look over the seats. The big guy who brought you in was now outside, just almost visible and he was on his knees. "Is... is it over?" You looked over your shoulder, and they nodded triumphantly. You assumed that they had won and let out a big sigh you never knew you were holding.

"[Last Name]-chan, you really hate fighting, huh?" Chifuyu remarked, kindly getting you up to your feet with Mr. Froppé. Your hand slightly grasped your bunny friend's hand, head bowing a little. "Sorry. That must seem like an overreaction."

"Huh? Not at all, [Last Name]-san!" Takemichi jumped in. "I think it's normal for someone to get scared. All of us got beat up pretty badly too." He added, trying to console you. Which worked wonders.

You stared at Mitsuya for a second, which caused a question mark to pop up on the male's head when you turned your head away. "Um... I came to pray... so I'm going to do just that." You took a seat, but then you frowned. "What's wrong?" Draken lifted a brow at you.

"I... don't know how to pray."

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