Part 11

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I walk back into the house and I see Lilly "what's wrong love?" She asks "nothing" I say "let's go do the rooms." I add. "Who's are we doing first? "Ellie's" "okay" we walk into her room and with the stuff I bought for her today, we get to work, we paint the walls pink . We put her princess bed in. Her dresser and her toys and little things on the wall. Her room looks like this

when we finished it was 2:30 am "let's go do Emily's" I say skipping happily to her room "baby I'm hella tired can we get do it tomorrow?" Lilly says "nooo, come on love have coffee and let's gooo" say handing her my coffee "fiiinneee" she says wa...

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when we finished it was 2:30 am "let's go do Emily's" I say skipping happily to her room "baby I'm hella tired can we get do it tomorrow?" Lilly says "nooo, come on love have coffee and let's gooo" say handing her my coffee "fiiinneee" she says walking to Emily's room we paint the walls purple and we put her princess bed together and we do other little things. Hers looked like this

(I changed the colours up

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(I changed the colours up.)

When we finished Emily's room is was 3:30am I was getting tired and I know Lilly is too. I take her hand and we walk to our bedroom. I get into bed and pass out.

The morning more like 1:30
"Wake.., up...sleepy...head" Lilly says kissing me awake "what time is it?" "Uh 1:30 pm the girls are going to be home any minute fin called come onnnn" she says pulling me out of bed my brown hair is in my face and messy. I didn't care my baby is coming home. I run down the stairs and looks out the window like a child I hear Lilly laughed then coming over hugging me from behind giving me butterflies. "To bad we were painting and doing the girls rooms, I could have been doing you" she says in my ear sending chills down my spin. "I won't have mind that" I add and then I see Ellie run up to the house and into the house "MOMMY!" She yells running to me "hi princess!!" I pick her up kissing her "mama!" Emily says walking into the door. "Hi baby" Lilly picks her up and spins her around "they were good, Ellie didn't sleep last night she was up crying. I think she was have an anxiety attack. She I layer with her." Finneas says "why didn't you calla?" "It was late" "oh okay so you think it's okay to tell me this the morning after?!" I yell at him watch makes Ellie jump. "I'm sorry princess." "It's okay" she says "just next time call me fin." I tell finneas " I will bye sis" "bye". "Girls me and mommy have a surprise for you both!" Lilly says to the girls. "What is it mama?" Emily asks "let's go see" I say and walk up the stairs to Emily's room and Ellie is holding on my me with her hand on my shoulder. "Emily baby this is your room" I say to Emily and she wiggles out of Lilly's arms. And runs to her bed. "Hehe I love it Tank you Mommys" "your welcome Emily " I say to her "can we see sissys room?" She asks. "Yes!!" Lilly says picking up Emily off of her bed and running to Ellie's room I follow behind with Ellie in my arms. We walk in and Ellie lefts up her head. "dat my princess bed" she says I walk over and I put her in it. "Tanks mommy" "your welcome princess." I hug her "I'm going to start supper" Lilly says. "Okay love thank you" "mommy can I help" Emily asks "sure baby". They walk out of Ellie's room and go downstairs. I look over at Ellie and she's asleep I smile and close the curtains and turn off the lights, I then cover her up and I lay in bed with her, I start to fall asleep.

                                 Lilly pov
Me and Emily are cooking supper, we finished so I put her in her high chair. "I'm going to go get mommy and Ellie" I tell her and walk up to Ellie's room I thought they were playing in there but I walking up and it was dark. "What the hell?" I whispered and opened the door and I see them both sleeping I sigh and close the door and go back down stairs. I'm not mad that Billie is asleep she didn't really sleep well last night and I know Ellie didn't sleep at all. "Mama where are they?" Emily asks confused "they are sleeping in Ellie's room it's just going to be me and you for supper" I say putting her food into the high chair. "thanks mama" she says eating her nuggets. "Your welcome baby" I say sitting down, I start eating my supper and I just stare at billies set. I wanted to have a dinner with all of us as a family. "Mama why you sad" Emily asks "I'm not em" "you sure" she says "yes baby, are you all done?" I ask her standing up. "Yup all done" she says, I take her plate and mine and put them in the sink. I wrap up billies and Ellie's supper and put them in the fridge. "Mama bath time!" Emily says "yes baby it's bath time" I take her out of the high chair and I carry her up stairs I take her to the bathroom "bubbles mama bubbles" Emily says "you want a bubble bath?" I ask confused "mhm" she says "okay baby" I laugh. I get her in dressed and I put her in the bath will the water is still running, I start putting in the bubbles for Emily. "Yayyy bubbles" she says splashing the water. I put some toys in for her and I let her play. "okay baby mommy needs to wash your hair and your body" "no mama I wanna play" she whines. "You still can" I say pouring water on her head, I wash her hair and then her body. I take her out of the bath, I wrap her in a towel and unplug the drain. We go to her room and I put her I to her into this

It's not her bedtime yet so I take her downstairs and I put her on the couch and I turn on a princess movie for her

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It's not her bedtime yet so I take her downstairs and I put her on the couch and I turn on a princess movie for her. "yay Elsa" she says "yes baby Elsa" I say walking to the kitchen to clean up, I wash the dishes and I feed shark. I wipe  everything down and I sweep the floors. It go over the the couch and I see Emily is asleep I pick her up and pause the movie, I walk up stairs and I go to her room, I put a pacifier in her mouth I lay her in her bed and put a blanket over her, I turn off the lights and I close the door. I walk over to Ellie's room and I see Billie and Ellie cuddling. I walk over to Billie and put a blanket over her, I kiss her forehead. "I love you" I whispered and walked out. I go back down stairs and and I set on the couch and watched tv for a few.

3 hours later
It's now 9:30 I turn off the tv and locks the doors I turn off the lights and I tell shark to come, I go up stairs with shark I go into mine and Billie room and I get changed. I plug in my phone and I turn off the lights shark jumps onto the bed and cuddles with me. I fall asleep

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