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Bill and Ben are twin brothers who work at the China Clay Works. They are keen to cause trouble and are often scolded by the fat controller. One day, Bill and ben were in their shed with their friend, BoCo. The fat controller arrived. "Bill and Ben, I would like you to take this load of clay to the Docks. I assume there will be no problems?".

Bill and Ben looked at each other. Then back at the fat controller. "No sir. Not at all.". The fat controller smiled, "thats good. Run along and fetch your cars." he said, and went back to his car. He drove away.

Once the twins had shunted their frieght cars into a line - a very long one -, Ben was eager to leave. "I guess one of us has to be the back engine." he said to bill. Bill frowned. He didn't like to be the back engine. And neither did Ben. "You can can be the back engine, Bill." Ben added. "But oi don't wunt to be the back engine ben!" Bill pouted. "Will you two stop quarrelling?" BoCo rolled up alongside the twins. "Or the only thing you'll have left to share is trouble.". Bill grinned maniacally "BoCo, oh dear BoCo. You're so - so.... What was the word Ben? Oh right!" and the twins sang out together "BORING!" and quickly coupled up to their cars, and set off.

Awhile later, the twins had reached the difficult part of the main line: Gordon's Hill. The gradient was very steep and it was a challenge for the twin engines to get up the line. "Bloody Hell! This hill is so steep! Oi, Bill, how are you doing down there?" Ben teased. Bill frowned. "Oh, thank you for asking, Ben! Im doing horrible! Can't I have a turn up front?" He called out from farther down the line, so Ben could hear him. "Sure, you can be the front engine.... At the docks!" Ben giggled. This made Bill annoyed. He promptly stopped halfway up the hill. "how are you doing now, Ben?" he asked. From the other end of the train, Ben could feel the load get heavier. "Bill, are you sure you're pushing from the back? IT's really heavy- OHHH!" Ben cried suddenly, as he had reached the top of Gordon's Hill and he was quickly being pushed down the other side of the hill by the trucks. "BILL! HELP ME!!!!" he cried. "I'm trying, I'm trying! Brakevan, brakes!!!!!" Bill replied with fear. The guard in the brakevan pulled the lever to activate the sandboxes and put on the brakes, with Bill and Ben doing the same. The managed to round the corner at the bottom of the hill without having an accident. The line finally came to a standstill. "BILL! What d'you think you're playing at?!" Bill said angrily as Ben came alongside. "You started it! You wouldn't give me a go in the front, you high and mighty git!" Bill shot back coldly. Then his expression went from anger to shock. He didn't mean to call Ben that name. Ben was also surprised. Then he looked at his buffers. "You backstabbing brother of mine! Let's finish this load so you can get out of my face!" Ben said angrily. The two continued on their journey to the Docks silently. Thankfully, they made it just in time. They uncoupled. "Bill, you can stay at the sheds here if you like." Duck The Great Western Engine said kindly. "I can't make it back to Arlesburgh now, its getting late. So it would be nice to have company." he explained. "Yeah, sure. Thank you, Duck." Bill said quietly, and he followed Duck to the sheds. Ben silently took half the cars back to the Clay Pits. When he arrived, BoCo was waiting for him in the shed. "So, how was the journey? Hold on, where's Bill? You two didn't have another argument again, did you?" BoCo asked calmly. "Yeah, we did, BoCo. We almost crashed, and I got mad at Bill and he called me a high and mighty git." Ben explained solemnly. BoCo's eyes widened with surprise. Then he looked in Ben's eyes. "What you need to do, Ben, is to get a good night's sleep, and wait for Bill to apologize." he told him. "Good idea, BoCo. Thank you. Um, goodnight as well." Ben said quietly and closed his eyes.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the Island, Bill was telling Duck all about what had happened. "And he purposely teased me because i was in the back. So I stopped and we almost crashed. I called him a high and mighty git for not letting me have a turn in the front." Bill explained. Duck was shocked. "I'm ashamed of you, Bill. It's not right to call others that name. I think you should apologize to Ben first thing tomorrow." he said to Bill. "What?! I'm not apologizing! He was the one who started it!" Bill protested angrily. "Suit yourself." Duck said coldly and fell asleep.

The next day, Bill and Ben were both back at the clay pits. Because neither would talk to each other, it was a very awkward day. "Bill can you help me with these please?" Ben asked kindly. "No." answered Bill coldly and puffed off to the other side of the quarry. Ben's heart sank. "Nevermind, Bill, Marion needs our help collecting some rock!" Bill's driver said. "I've gotten you a present too." he said. His driver stepped out of the cab and came up in front of Bill. In his hand was a tiny model of Ben. He placed it on Bill's bufferbeam. "Hah! I like this! I think I'll call you.....Blill!" Bill said cheekily. And he continued over to help Marion.

That evening, Bill, BoCo and Ben were back in the sheds with Marion. "What a lovely day, Oh I just love to dig!" Marion exclaimed. "Hi Bill." Ben greeted, hoping for a sincere apology from Bill. "What's that on your bufferbeam?". "Oh, this? This is my own original character, Blill! He's a better friend than you'll ever be, that's for sure!" Bill said. This made BoCo cross. "Bill! That was rude! Ben is upset at what you called him, at least apologize to him!" he said. "No, BoCo. It was my fault. I was being cheeky to Bill and I was the reason we almost had an accident. I'm really sorry Bill. I hope you'll forgive me." Ben explained. Bill looked at Ben. Then he smiled. "I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to call you a git. I was scared and upset with you and I didn't know what to say." Bill said. "Apology accepted?". "Apology accepted." Ben replied. And the rest of the night was spent chatting away.

The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2022 ⏰

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