Jealously scale

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justin: 7/10 : it seems like justin wouldn't get jealous by the way he acts but deep inside he has fustracted tension when he sees you with another guy that seems too friendly but in the end he trusts you 100% and knows if you notice something weird you would know how to deal with the situation and you can catch on quick when justin seems off in any type of way justin also knows that he can always come to you to talk that is one of the main reasons why you guys have such a strong bond

Sebastian : 5/10: he rarely gets jealous although when it's bothering him he wouldn't make a big thing about it  he would keep to himself so he would be quiet a lot  and kinda just do things by himself  that he would usually do with you it would be him having time to himself he wouldn't leave you confused or you questioning  why is he acting weird or what is he doing he would tell you that he needs some time to himself  but In the end he will always talk to you about it and tell you his feelings if there is something that he knows or feels but you don't he will always end up telling you because honesty and communication is really important to the both of you and it shows how you can trust one another

Kane:9/10:do I really have to explain he's a cancer just kidding just kidding 3/10: Kane Is the most kindest sweetest caring loyal boyfriend he doesn't get jealous easily but when he doesHe becomes extra nice that is one of the things you notice about him when sometimes wrong

Ryan:7/10: Ryan is A simp for you he has a cute little soft side that's only just for you but you wouldn't cheat at all not even think about it he treats you like a queen he has you whipped

Darren: 50000/10: gets jealous easily

Oliver: 9/10: this time I actually do not have to explain communication is key your suppose to open up and have that type of bond that you can tell each other anything not just gf and bf but best friends too if you don't have that what's the point ,you are one of his top  priorities it's easy for him to get jealous not that easy though

Regie: 1000/10: he trusts you a lot he just wants you to be his honesty he would be straight up with you about it he wouldn't hide it

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