Chapter 4

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As Jennie saw their dad having a conversation with each other.


"Hey Kim" says Y/N's dad. "It's been awhile isn't? Didn't know we have to meet at this circumstance."

"Do you know what happened for the past years, Park?"

"You know, Kim. She've been begging me to be a soldier from time to time in the past. I thought she was joking. I told her it's not good for her and she is a woman too. I know it's bad for me to downgrade my own daughter but I don't want anything bad happened to her. You see like right now."

*sigh was heard from MrPark

"You know what, Park. Sometimes we can't let her go with our flow only. She also have her own dream that she want to achieve. As a parents, we should support whatever they want to be."

"I know that's my fault. I should've let her go a long time. Now she being rebelious, I can't help but accusing myself about this."

"Aight. Park. Past is past. Things are meant to be happen anyway but don't worry, Jisoo, Rosie and Lisa are operating her. By the way, did the military called your family?"

" I haven't heard anything from them actually. I come here because of Jennie. Thanks to her, if not I don't even know what happened to Y/N. I also confused as in why I don't get any info of Y/N from the past. The only things I got just a letter where she privately send to her sister."


Jisoo, Rosie and Lisa gone out from the operation room and go straight to us. As Jisoo going to us, some soldier interupt her by asking for their oh-so-called captain. But Jisoo said she can't deliver anything about her patient since the Kim hospital usually make their patient condition is a privacy unless their family wanted to let the outsiders know. The soldier quickly back out. Anger and frustrated was shown on his face.

Jisoo began the convo between our family.

"Hey. As you all know, we are incharge of Y/N operation. We found Y/N been shot at her left shoulders and right leg. We already take out the bullet from her but she lost a lot of blood. Furthermore, she might have slight amnesia for meant time since that her acquaintance in military said that her head hit some hard things while she lost her consciousness.

To my expectation, she will wake up around few days from now. The moment she wake, I want all of us to be there for her. I need to erund some test whether she remember any of us or maybe we even get the unexpected result wherein she don't even remember anything."

Jisoo ended her speech by askin Lisa and Rosie to lead us to Y/N room.

While the two of them lead us to the room. Jisoo is left with Mr and Mrs Park at the lobby alone. Maybe try to comfort and ask them some question about Y/N for the past few years.

Jisoo and Y/N once treat each other like a sister. They are indeed close. Not only them, Y/N relationship with my close one always good.


It was almost midnight right now. And here I'm still in Y/N room. My families and Y/N's told me to get some rest or go back home. But I just couldn't. She need me right by her side. I don't want to leave her alone. Who knows right some evil person out there have some bad plan towards Y/N and taking advantage of her unconsciousness. It's not like I haven't stay up late at work. I'm a surgeon afterall my operation ended around this hour. I also got my own room in this hospital.

Few days have passed and Y/N havent wake up. It's hurt me to be honest. I miss her.

And suddenly.

*Y/N finger move a little

Jennie saw it. Even little things. She caught up. She gently tryna wake Y/N up.


And thats when Jennie saw her love of ger life opening her eyes. Tears escaped from Jennie eyes. She strangle Y/N with a big hug. But one thing make her feel very upset. By the way Y/N called her.

"Um miss? What happened? Where I am? Why are you hugging me? Perhaps, do I know you?"

Thats it. Tears continuously falling from her eyes.

Y/N was confused but Jennie understand her situation. Jennie proceed to call Jisoo.

"Jichu... *sniffling."

As in right a way Jisoo knew whats up. She packed her things and go to the hospital. In a few minutes, she already arrived. The Kim mansions is not that far from the Kim hospital by the way. Right after she park her car, not caring the nurses and doctor saw her weirdly cause they know Jisoo don't have any nightshift today. Murmurs increasing as Jisoo get past near them. But Jisoo ignore them and walk steadily fast to Y/N room.

*knock knock


Jisoo couldn't believe her eyes.  Maybe because she usually see Jennie being close to Y/N. But this view infront of her is quite not comfortable. Jennie in the couch. Y/N being so awkward.

Jisoo can feel the atmosphere. So she signal Jennie to go back to her own room in the hospital or go back to their mansion.

After Jennie left, Jisoo let her leg walk itself toward Y/N bed.


"Hi.." said y/n in small voice

"Do you remember me? Its Jichu Y/N-niee"

"Um I'm sorry. I don't remember you. Even the one who sit in that couch before ask me the same thing. *Y/N shrugged"

"Alright. I dont expect you to know any of us but can you name someone that you know?"

"Before I told you, will you explain to me who you're even and why am I here?"



I'm sorry guys for the slow update.
I don't have time to write cause I'm on my senior year in high school. Tight schedule really making me tired until I dont have time and urge to write. I'm sorry to for the boring update.

May I know whether you want me to start putting someone pov for the next time? Or are you even understand if i suddenly change someone pov above? I'm sorry if I confuse you.

See ya till next time.
Have a nice day ahead =).

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