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Narrator's POV

Mud and lift!
Sand and pull!
Water and raise up!
Faster!With the sting of the whip on my shoulder
With the salt of my sweat on my brow
Elohim, God on high, can you hear your people cry?
Help us now
This dark hourDeliver us
Hear our call, deliver us
Lord of all, remember us
Here in this burning sand
Deliver us
There's a land You promised us
Deliver us to the Promised Land

The mother of Moses holding him and his friend as the mother of that child had been murdered for hiding her daughter. She held them both close and she sang to them sweetly.

ילדי הטוב והרך
אל תירא ואל תפחד
My children, I have nothing I can give
But this chance that you may live
I pray we'll meet again if they will

Then they hear clashing of swords of the murder of little babies both male and female.

Deliver us (deliver us)
Hear our prayer, deliver us
From despair, these years of slavery
Grown too cruel to stand
Deliver us
There's a land You promised us
Deliver us from the bondage
And deliver us to the Promised Land

The mother of Moses is by the bank hoping that the river will take them to a home safe from there.

Hush now dear children, be still, love, don't cry
Sleep as you're rocked by the stream
Sleep and remember my last lullaby
So I'll be with you when you dreamRiver, oh, river, flow gently for me
Such precious cargo you bear
Do you know somewhere they can live free?
River, deliver them there

As the children went by the river course the sister of Moses Miriam wanted to make sure they were ok and followed them. Till they reach a home where little did the sister know would be the home of the Pharaoh. The wife of the Pharaoh saw the carrier and opened it to see the littles one. She grabbed them and said, "Come Ramses let's introduce them to your father. Moses and Zara."

Deliver us
Send a shepherd to shepherd us
And deliver us to the Promised Land
Deliver us to the Promised Land
Deliver us

Princess Of Egyptحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن