rainbow's smile

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rainbow's smile,
where are you?
where are you?
I miss you so much
everything was red
electric, magnetic
stimulated my sweet love
everything was so orange
you made me independent but dependent
I could trust you  but first of all I could trust me
everything was so yellow
I was happy
I could climb a mountain with you because I knew you would help me with your intellect
everything was so green
peaceful, life-vitalising, fresh
I was in a moment of my life where everything was all right
just lovely
then you went out
you went out every night
and I stayed alone in my room
I loved you
Didn't I ?
I don't know but I know that my smile became blue
everything was so blue
I don't understand why,
I loved you and you loved me,
I started to be melodramatic, sad,
today everything is purple
now my life is a transition,
I don't know how I got to this moment,
do you know?
Did I can suppose this?
I could and you could
nothing last forever,
see your live story like a butterfly and try to reflect

Eliot is more you than yourself Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora