People thought badly of the Blossoms but Toni knew Cheryl.

Really knew her.

She was a good person with a huge heart.

'Then I'll stay, we'll figure this out... together,' Toni said with a small smile on her lips.

'And what about Anthony? Thomasina is aware of him, she promised to look after him,' Cheryl said.

'He has his dad,' Toni said, suddenly she became hyper aware of her relationship with Fangs.

Cheryl didn't know.

'Okay, well just give Thomasina some time to try and convince Abigail to leave my body. If she doesn't I'll reverse the spell and send you back'.

'Cheryl I actually need to tell you something,' Toni said quickly.

'What is it?'

'Fangs and I...'


'We're together. I thought we told you at the Whyte Wyrm but obviously that wasn't you. I just wanted you to know...'

'I see,' Cheryl said as she swallowed hard and stood up, 'would you excuse me for a moment?'

Toni nodded but the redhead had already left the room.

She had no idea what it was between them, they hadn't been together in years but something was always connecting them.

It hurt her to see how much she'd just hurt Cheryl.

Especially after what Abigail said regarding Cheryls journals.

But she owed her ex the truth.

She didn't want to keep secrets.


Britta led the way back to Thornhill, in the rush no one spoke until they were in the safety of the mansion and the door was locked firmly behind them.

'What was that about?' Britta said as she tried to catch her breath with Anthony still in her arms.

Thomasina was more concerned with Abigail, 'are you okay?'

Abigail nodded, her hand moving to her already bruising skin.

Thomasina placed a small kiss on her lips.

'What is going on?' Britta asked.

'Britta,' Abigail said, her voice low as she still tried to get control of her breathing, 'this is my beloved Thomasina'.

'It is a pleasure to meet you,' Thomasina said holding out her hand.

Britta frowned as she shook it, 'then what happened to Toni?'

'Do not worry about that,' Thomasina said, 'take the baby upstairs, I must talk to Abigail. If you hear anything that may sound concerning take the babe and run'.

Britta nodded before giving the couple some privacy.

Even though she knew it was Abigail and Thomasina not Cheryl and Toni she thought they looked good together.

But she needed to find a way to get them back to their bodies.

'How did that happen?' Abigail asked as Thomasina took her hand and led her to sit down.

I Can See Straight Through You | CHONI |Where stories live. Discover now