
Next day he brings breakfast to David's room.

David was getting ready for college.

David looks at him and he looks at David back.

David didn't show any kind of emotion on his face.

Tae was looking at pair of red puffy eyes.

"Master Evan will go college from his friend's place.
You can eat here Young Master."
He said serving David.

David didn't said anything and starts eating without looking at him, without saying a 'Thankyou' which he never forgets.

"I'll prepare my bag and car."
He said and waited for David for asking him to eat which he always do.

But David just nods without even looking at his face.

Tae left with uneasy mind.



Today Tae brought his own book.
David didn't said anything and busy in his lessons.

Tae steals glances of David who was sitting beside him.

David was calm not angry.
He was silent not chirpy like usual.
His silence was disturbing Tae's peace.

Tae still didn't said a single word to Dav.

Can you pass your assignment to me. I promise I won't copy but take idea."
A girl who is sitting other side of David asked him.

David smiles and that smile irritate Tae's mood.

"I told you to work on it rather then hitting bar yesterday."
David said chuckling while passing his assignment to her.

"You are saviour."
The girl name Linda said dramatically hugging his right arm.

Tae turns other side not liking the view.

"We have to submit it after lunch break right?"
She asked.

"Yeah. So work hard."
David flicks her forehead.

She pouts.

Tae turns stoic after that and puts his book back in his bag.

David didn't even noticed.


Evan met them in lunch.

"What happened to your eyes?"
Asked Evan checking David thoroughly.

David fake sneezes.
"I am feeling under weather since yesterday."
He answers.

Evan pats his head.
"We'll go to doctor after class.
For now I'll buy lunch for us."
Evan said and left.

David sighs putting his head on his folded arms.

He closes his eyes.

Tae was observing every detail attentively.

He was amused with this heir of Jaturapoom.
He is indeed genius to put an act for Evan.

David looks so delicate while sitting with head down.

Evan came back with two sets of lunch.

David turns to Tae who was already looking at him.

He sighs and turns to Evan again.

Evan shrugs.

David slides his plate to Tae and before Tae could spat fire again, he cuts him in middle.

"Next time buy your own lunch before any of us could get a chance to do mercy on you. I am sure you earn enough by your hard work."
David said without any hint of gentleness and starts digging in Evan's lunch.

Evan was surprised with the way David has talked with Tae.

He hardly ate two or three bites, letting David eat fully.

"Bring some sandwiches and lemonade for me."
Evan texts his friend.

"I still need to go for practice.
You have to go sotus and home alone."
Evan said after getting up.

David nods.

Tae who hasn't touched his food looks at David.

David stood up not minding how he hasn't eaten a single bite.
He doesn't want to show any sort of concern to Tae.
He wants to make up his mind.

Tae left his food and starts following him silently.

"We have to go for sotus after class.  Atleast eat for your body stupid."
David rolls his eyes thinking about Tae.


P'Pat, the head hazer ordered them to run ten laps of ground.

David pretends to be unconcerned from Tae's side but fails miserably.

At last he finally gave a dark choclate bar to Tae from his bag.

"Eat it before running.
You haven't had your lunch.
Its three years love. Give me some time to unlove it."
He said not looking at Tae but extending bar to Tae.

Tae smiles for the first time since yesterday.

He said in gentle voice.

David snaps to face him hearing the not so usual cold voice.

Tae peels the wrapper and in one go he finished it.

Both of them joins their team thenafter.


Tae drove David home and once he kills engine he holds David's right hand.

"What are you doing?"
Asked David scaredly.

Listen to me."
Tae said putting his index on David's lips.

David breathe gets hitched with this action.

"I know I shouldn't behave like that yesterday.
I am sorry. I am sorry for hurting you."
He said sincerely with serious face.

A tear dropped from David's eyes.
Only he knows how much he wanted Tae to talk with him.
Only he knows how much he longed for Tae's soft voice, his touch.
Only he knows how much he loves this person called Bodyguard.

"Young Master."
Tae calls worriedly, wiping his tears from his thumb.

"I forgive you but don't touch me ever again."
David hissed on his face and hurriedly left to prevent himself from further hurt.


Keep smiling.
Stay safe.

In Love with Bodyguard Where stories live. Discover now