𝖧𝖺𝗇𝗀𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗈𝗎𝗍 ★ (𝖯𝖺𝗋𝗍 𝟤)

Start from the beginning

Y/n's POV-

"Hey Y/n!" I hear Tae yell and I look over at him

"You wanna play on the park? I'm pretty sure theirs some hiding places there" Tae says and I nod and finally escape Z.'s trap

"There you go" Z. says and pats my head before kissing my cheek and walking towards Jesse and Tae with the snacks. I tense up and freeze. I feel my face burn up and turn a bright shade of red

I see Z. then freeze and turn to me with a shocked expression

"Oh! Z. kissed Y/n!" T. yells as he runs to me

"So tell me at you guys dating now?" T. asks and I shake my head

"T. It was on accident.. I didn't mean to" Z. says hiding his mouth and nose with his shirt slightly pulling it up

I cover my face with my hoodie and pull the strings so my red face in hidden

"How about you both just get together already" T. says as he wraps his arm around me and I peak out of my hoodie to see Z. rubbing the back of his neck and I hear Tae gasp.
I turn to Tae and see him sitting down with Robaire and Jesse eating the snacks and watching us

"Well..." Z. says and looks at me with a a shrug

"You both would be the perfect couple." T. says and I look at him

"Maybe in a few weeks.." I say pulling hood off

"It's only been two days after all" I say and turn to Z. nodding

"Sure then" Z. says and Tae then grabs my arm

"Alright come on now" Tae says and he drags me towards the playground

"Alright alright" I say and walk with him

Few minutes later of playing at the park with Tae and T. later on

"I need a drink" I say as I I sit down next to Jesse drawing

"Here" Jesse says as he passes me an Arizona he was drinking

I grab it then look at him

"Drink it it's alright I don't mind" Jesse says and I do so almost drinking it all

"Or you could us a straw" Jesse says and I turn to him and see him smiling

"You could have said that before" I say and Jesse laughs

"We don't even have straws so there wouldn't be a point" Jesse says and I pass his drink back

I then see Z. and T. playing around while Robaire watches them making sure they don't fight

"You wanna start something between those two?" Jesse asks me nudging my shoulder and I look at him

"Just watch" Jesse says and turns to me then back to T. and Z.

"Aaron #1!" Jesse says and I turn to both Aaron's to see them getting up and running towards Jesse slightly pushes each other

"Yea?" Z. says and gets pushes by T.

"What do you need?" T. says slightly getting in Jesses face

"Hey he called me T." Z. says and slightly nudges T.

"No he didn't. He said Aaron #1, that's me" T. says and I see Z. roll his eyes

"T. your literally #2" Z. says and T. pushes him back

"Huh uh!" T. yells and Z. pushes him

"I can tell you which one I called" Jesse says before T. pushes Z. again

I see T. and Z. raise an eyebrow and I turn to Jesse smiling

"None of you guys" Jesse says and Z. glares at him while T. sighs

"Robaire!" T. yells and Robaire walks to them

"Yea?" Robaire says

"Jesse tried making us fight, again" T. says and I slightly laugh

"You've done this multiple times before?" I whisper to Jesse and he nods and I laugh

"Jesse" Robaire says and Jesse shrugs

"Just wanted to show how T. and Z. get along once someone says 'Aaron #1'" Jesse says and he pats my head while the Z. and T. turn to

I smile at them and I see Z. look away while T. slightly laughs

"We'll you saw so never do that" T. says as he points at me and I laugh again

"Hey guys!" Tae says and we turn to him on the swings

"Someone play with me on the swings! There's enough for us all!" Tae says and Imm the first to hop out of my seat and walk to Tae

I then get on a swing and see the others coming towards us

After playing for a little. It's sunset

"Guys" Robaire says and I look over to him while the others stop swinging

"Let's go to karaoke now" Robaire says and the others get off their swings as I try to stop mine

"Just jump off it Y/n!" T. says as he walks away and Z. stops to look at me

"I'll catch you" Z. says and I slightly slow down my swing

I then jump off and I land okay in front of Z. as his hands place on my waist.

I stare at Z.'s eyes and he stares at me back.

We stay like that for a few seconds until Z. nervously laughs and looks away.

"Uh.. Sorry, come on" Z. says and he takes his hand off of my waist and he grabs my hand taking me towards the rest of the guys

Z. and I walk behind the group holding hands and I tighten my grip on his hand as I see Noah, Mars, and Tyler walking on the other side of the street.

I let go of Z.'s hand and walk ahead of him to the others. I walk next to T. and Tae and I feel T. wrap his arms around my shoulder and he places his hat on me

I slightly laugh and look back to Z. looking down a bit

I put my hand behind me towards Z. indicating for him to hold it.

I feel his hand grab mine and he tightens his grip.
He then pulls me to his side

That one 4✩Town member <3 (Aaron Z. X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now