A Fun Dialog

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So, this was a little school project. Not a poem, but fun nonetheless.
It's a dialog between two women with an issue.
Hope you crack up like I did.

Shade trees

- Phone rings -



"I have a problem."

"And what would that be?"

"Your tree is making shade on our yard. I don't like that very much."

"Excuse me? It's just shade."

"Yes, I know it's just shade, but I don't like it. It is your tree. Tell it to make shade on your yard. We have our own trees that give us shade."

"What do you mean?! What is this?! It's just a stupid tree! I can't determine where it makes shade!"

"Then cut it down. I don't want shade from your trees. Like I said, we have our own."

"We cannot simply cut it down. We also want shade from our trees."

"Why, it is not giving you any shade at the moment, is it?"

"At the moment, no. But the rest of the day it does."

"Say, is your tree jealous?"

"What? Jealous? A tree???"

"Duh. It makes shade for us and not for you. It will certainly be envious of my trees."

"This is childish! Where are you?"

"Outside. In the shade. Why?"

"Why are you sitting in the shade of our tree if you do not want it?"

"Because. My trees are currently occupied providing shade for our other neighbors."


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