Explain Yourself

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A/N: Hi again!! This chapter takes place after Kris rips out their soul and eats the pie :]

Kris sat with their cheek resting on their fist, undoubtedly growing impatient. They stared at the red semi physical human, who just sat there trying to gather their thoughts as they stifled their sobs and wiped their cheeks. They gave off a slight red glow that dimly lit the room.

Kris began to feel a little bad for being so harsh with them. They couldn't understand why, but somehow they felt that they knew the Player wasn't lying, and felt their guilt somewhere deep inside their consciousness. 

They sighed, "I know you're freaked out, but you need to start talking."

The Player frowned. They didn't even know where to begin. They chewed on their lip, trying to force themself to think of what to say.

"Just tell me what happened before I saw you."

"I… don't really know how to say this…" the Player finally spoke in a reserved tone. "Um… I was in my room, at my house. I was playing…" they trailed off. Kris raised an eyebrow.

They continued after some thought. "I was playing the game you're from, Deltarune…"

Kris raised their voice a bit " What? "

The Player raised up their hands defensively, "D- don't get mad, please!! It's true! In my world, your world is just a game on a screen… but, obviously, that doesn't mean you and this place, and everything else here isn't real…"

Kris furrowed their eyebrows. They knew they were telling the truth, and the truth made them a bit irritated. "And next you're gonna tell me that, what, I'm the protagonist of that 'game' and you controlled me through the means of a video game controller?" They joked sarcastically.

The Player simply stared at them, their lips pressed together.

"Are you fucking kidding me." Kris deadpanned.

The Player shook their head, "I know it sounds dumb and unbelievable… but that's the honest truth, I swear…"

"I believe you, doesn't make it any less ridiculous, though…" they pinched the bridge of their nose and groaned. "Just continue…"

"O- okay… Well, there was a cutscene in the game, where you were in bed, wiggled a bit under the covers, and then flew out…? And then you… walked down a bit, and took out your soul…"

Kris furrowed their brows in discomfort, listening to them describing their every action perfectly. In their perspective, they were a complete stranger that sounded like they had been stalking them…

"... then you threw it into the cage, and…" they paused, hugging their arms against their chest and lowering their head. "That's when I started to feel… weird…"

"... weird how?"

"Um, kinda like I was falling asleep and dissociating at the same time…? I couldn't really see what happened in the game after this, because my vision faded…"

"Did you pass out or something?"

"Um… no, not really? After that, uh…" they fiddled with their thumbs, "it suddenly felt like I was being ripped apart from my body, and then sucked in through sharp needles very rapidly… and then, I kinda… woke up? In the corner of your room, and I couldn't move very much."

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