Chapter 5: Secrets and Promises Part One

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"Sure honey. What's up?" My mum says putting down the book she was reading and looking at me. I look to my father and he is looking at me as well. Here it goes.

"Well I have to tell you something...about me," I say nervously. Gosh I don't know if I can do this. No Zayn you have to. Just tell them.

"What about you babe? Is everything okay?" My mum asks concerned. She leans forward and places her hand on mine.

"Yeah everything is fine. I just have to tell you I'm-I'm gay," I stutter out. Instantly I look down in my lap. I can't look at my parents' faces right now. I don't want to see their reactions.

I stir up some courage and glance up at my mum. She sitting there wide-eyed, looking at me. Afraid of what that means I look to my father. His reaction isn't any better. His face is beat red and he is shaking.

"Mum? Dad?" I say quietly looking between both of them. They have to say something. Anything. Finally my dad does.

"Go to your room, Zayn," he says pointing out of the living room.

"But da-" I say before I'm cut off.

"Go to your room!" He screams at me. I listen this time and bolt out of the room and up the stairs. By the time I reach my door I'm crying. I go into my room and slam the door.

This can't be happening. They can't be reacting like this. They are just messing around. It's just a joke. They will call me back down in a couple minutes and explain they were just pranking me.

Two hours pass and nothing happens. No one comes to check on me. I don't care leave my room. I just sit there staring at the wall.

Why did I tell them? I shouldn't have told them. I should've just kept it a secret. Then we could be downstairs eating dinner like a family, like we do every night. But no. I screwed everything up.

After another hour there's a knock on my door. I tell the knocker to come in and it is revealed to be my little sister, Safaa.

"Hey Saf! What's up?" I say wiping the miserable look off my face. She doesn't need to worry about what's going on right now.

"Uh, mummy and daddy want you in the living room. They need to talk to you," she says quietly before turning around and leaving the room.

See I knew it. I'm going to go down there and they are going to say this was all a joke. Everything will be back to normal.

I head down stares and enter the living room. The tension in the room could be cut with little-kid scissors. Maybe this isn't as good as I thought.

"Sit down Zayn," my mum says signalling to the couch. Wait she doesn't call me Zayn. She always calls me honey, or babe, or some other endearing name. What's going on?

"Your father and I have talked," she starts. Her tone hints that whatever they talked about wasn't good, "and we think it would be best if left."

Left? What does she mean leave? Where am I going?

"Leave? Where am I going?" I say confused. I look to my dad but he isn't looking at me. He looks just as mad as he did earlier.

"Your great aunt Wilma in Doncaster has volunteered to take you," she says looking at me with a stone cold, emotionless face.

"But why do I have to leave? I don't get it," I say even more confused. Why do I have to live in Doncaster.

"Because we can't have you around our children. People like you are nothing but disgusting, disease spreaders. You'll end up ruining our girls," she states plainly. Her words are like bullets in my chest. I can't breathe. People like me? I'm going to ruin them? All because I'm gay?

What Does Forever Mean to You? (Sequel to "When I Said Forever, I Meant It")Where stories live. Discover now