ᴛᴇɴ- everything but a dream.

Start from the beginning

Beyond the large reservoir of glistening water stood a hill that almost blended into the surroundings. It was raised above the lake like a splinter to the skin. An unknown body unwillingly forced itself into the area, creating irritation to the allocated section. This instance is the lake.

However, if it wasn't for the large castle that towered over the mountain, the visibility of the raised land would be a lot less interpretable. Upon the hill stood the structure of Alora's younger dreams, the reminiscent decay that was unwillingly embedded into her brain.

The large building was completely and utterly breathtaking, even for Alora. Especially for Alora. It was beyond anything she had ever imagined and exceeded her expectations so far.

The nights' sky created an automatic glow around the frame of the building as it shimmered through the moonlight over the jumbled array of turrets. The building looked to be around seven stories high and thousands of feet wide, a majestic combination of beauty and wealth. The glow of yellow emitted from many of the tiny carved out windows and expanded through the mist of fog and clouds that swarmed around the door of the castle, creating a mysterious huddle of condensation.

As they got closer, more detailings of the school were present and identifiable. Like the walls, they were supported by magical bricks that lapped over one another to create majestic patterns and intricate detailing over the thickly skimmed stone. The gothic walls looked ragged and aged with the memories they hold, watching the generations turn from the youth into the elders, passing down their recollections and stories as if they had been their own to tell. The highly built building undoubtedly held countless amounts of secrets and information not yet disclosed to any specific individuals and if the walls could spread or communicate their concerns, many lives would have been and would still be saved, along with a young boy who would be much safer with history's recognition than the life he has been promised.

Not only could the walls recollect the past but they could predict the future and what would happen in many years to come.

And one thing to say is that to not bleed them right is to bleed them wrong.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Interrupted her gaze with a smile, he too looked towards the castle. "It takes a lot of persuading to get me home to my mother during the breaks."

She turned towards Zabini with a solitary look. "It's... admirable. I don't suppose there's a word that quite describes it." She told him truthfully.

He nodded along with her, agreeing that no matter how hard Hogwarts can be, there's always serenity found within its walls.

"Oi, Zabini I don't suppose you fancy getting out of the carriage?" Witted Malfoy with a sarcastic smirk.

"Course, yeah." He said while quickly exiting his seat and joining the rest of the posey.  

"So Alora, are you excited to start school here?" Asked Pansy, who had a newfound interest in the girl.

"I suppose so, it's a... different environment to what I'm used to." She stated with a static expression.

"And what are you used to?" She pried.

"So, Alora," started Draco, as they walked past a large courtyard. Stopping in front of a large wooden door that had been closed due to the lack of students, which showed their tardiness. "This big door will lead you to prolonged years of suffocating studies, do you wish to proceed?"

"If the studies are suffocating, I guess I'll have to strangle them first." She stated plainly and pushed open the doors. She was met with the great carvings of the ancient walls in the entrance hall, a corridor that welcomed both students and teachers back home.

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