Part 1

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When I found out that there were other worlds, I had no idea how drastically my life would change. At that time I was living in New York on my own. It was the first time living alone for me. Me and my friend were meeting up to go shopping. As we arrived at the mall, we heard loud sounds coming from the speakers. Then there were voices, that told us to keep calm, but that didn't really help at all. I was so scared, I couldn't even think straight. Then the voices that came from the speakers said that there were big objects approaching us from outer space. I couldn't believe what I just heard, big objects? What could that be? I thought it was some kind of joke at first, but when we ran out of the mall, because my friend didn't want to stay there, we saw it ourselves and neither of us were able to make a comment about what we were just witnessing. I never thought of something like this. The people around us started to panic and ran away in many different directions. I could just stand there, speechless. Then I heard my phone ringing. It was dad, he must have seen the objects as well. I picked up and dad seemed surprisingly calm, he said:"Hey Vanessa, your mom said i should call you. She hasn't heard anything new from you since last week. She can't call herself, because she is at work.", it seemed like he didn't know about the events here. Then I noticed that Stacy, my friend, was gone. I looked around, but she was nowherr to be seen. I started to scream, while dad was still on the phone. He said:"Vanessa, keep calm. They will not harm you in any way and neither will they harm anybody else.", how the hell could he know that? Why did he stay so calm, was he out of his mind? Suddenly it felt like everything was shaking. I fell on the floor. I didn't want to talk to anyone right now so I hung up.

My head was telling me to run away, but my instincts told me to run to the strange objects and see what they are, so I started running without a second thought. When I was close enough to see what they were, I was starting to feel very sick. I thought I was going to throw up every second, but it didn't happen. Then my ears started ringing and you could see every vein in my body. I couldn't breath either and thought I might die any second. I was so afraid since nobody was around. I couldn't even scream for help if I was not out of breath. Everything went dark and I felt my consciousness fading away.

When I woke up, I was in a strange room. It was dark with blue light coming from the floor, making the room look dark blue. I looked around and heard a weird noise. It was coming closer and closer and tension was building up in my entire body. The door opened up and I hid under the duvet. I heard someone say:"She's awake, get the boss.", with a dark voice. How did they notice? I was trying to control my breathing, but they still noticed. Then my memories came back to me. I remebered how I ran to the strange objects and how I lost my consciousness. But where was I right now? I had never seen such a crazy room. Lights coming from the floor and not the ceiling? And not only that, I also just hoped that the people or... things here did not want to harm me.

My memories finally returned, but I could not recall how I came here. The last thing I saw were the strange objects. Suddenly the door opened up and I heard two people coming in and talking to each other. At least I hoped they were people. Both of them seemed to be men by the sound of their voices. I felt a big hand grabbing the duvet and snatching it from me. I closed my eyes and hoped I was not gonna be killed. Then the person told me to open my eyes. I did not want to, but I had to. I thought about it for a second, but I ended up listening to them. I opened my eyes slowly and looked right at the person. Then I noticed that it actually was not a person. Their appearance was that of a human, a man to be exact. But he had purple skin with grey signs over his chest and white hair. He was very beautiful to be honest. He was very tall and had quite a good physique overall. I kept looking at him as he started talking. He wanted to know my name and why I came near his ship. A ship? Did he mean a spaceship? Was he and alien? At least he looked like one. I answered:"My name is Vanessa and I... I ran to your 'ship' out of a pure intention. Where am I now?", and looked at the signs on his chest. He noticed and said:"Those are a punishment. Now that you know, will you still keep starring? And like I said, you are on my ship. We are still on your planet and you are laying on my bed, in my room." I blushed and looked away. Then I got up and wanted to stand up, but I was not in the condition for doing that. I almost fell, but the alien caught me. He lifted me up and put me back on the bed. I looked in his eyes and saw that they were bright yellow. He looked back at me and kept holding me when he put me back. He told the other guy, his servant, to get out and he left, closing the door behind him.

The alien let go of me and sat down on the bed. I tried not to look at him, but it was hard for me. He was such a dream to me. Then he said:"Now that he is gone...", he stopped for a second before going on. "What do you want to tell me? I know there is something on your mind. You just did not want to say it in front of him, am I right?" I thought about it for a second and then I answered his questions:"It might sound very dumb to you, but I think you look very human like for an alien. That was kinda confusing to me, because I never saw one before." He looked quite confused himself now. "Alien? Did you just call me alien? Do I look like a lowly life form to you? Like an alien?", he said with a slightly mad voice. I had to laugh:"That is what humans would consider you since you have a spaceship and your skin is purple, your hair white and you have grey signs on your chest. What am I to you? Also an alien, right?" His expression changed and he smiled at me. He seemed very happy now. I had no idea why. "You are a beautiful woman, what else could you be to me? It is just kinda sad to me, that you call me an alien since they are ugly and disgusting.", he said while still smiling at me. I blushed again and wondered why I did, because it was a purple guy who talked to me. "You are more beautiful then anybody else and you say that to me? What a weirdo.", I whispered. I thought he didn't hear me, because I was trying to be quiet, but he said:"Vanessa. I can hear you, you know? I missed you." I was confused. Missing me? We did not even know each other, right? How could he have missed me? He seemed to have noticed my confusion. "Yes, we know each other."

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