Safety first [3]

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Stephen's POV:
I look behind me and- and he's just staring at me. He looks away as fast as he could, while his cheeks are getting more red. But I noticed him looking. I turn my head back around, and feel my face warm up too. God, I probably look like an idiot now. I put on his t-shirt and take off my pants. I put on the joggers as fast as possible. I feel him staring at me again. I go and stand at the end of the bed. Tony has already lied down. "Can I come lay down now?" I ask while slightly lifting my eyebrows. I smirk as he answers "Yeah alright, uhm this isn't weird though, right?" He asks unsure of it. "Yeah no this is fine, just relax and try to sleep." "You think I can't sleep?" He asks obviously a bit offended, but he plays it cool. "You think I never notice your eyebags? Tony, I can tell you haven't slept well in a while." I say trying to be confident, but he sees through it. "What about you Steph-? I mean- can I call you that? Is that alright?" He asks nervously. I lie down next to him and crawl under the covers. "Yeah that's cool, don't worry about-" I say and he cuts me off. "Well, have you?" I sigh and reply "Okay fine, I admit it, I havent slept well too. It's true, it's just hard you know." "Sadly I do know." He replies and looks down. We're both laying on our sides, I look at him. He looks up again and our eyes meet. I can feel this tingling feeling go through me. I feel my face getting red. His face is heating up too. God, his eyes are so pretty, it's unfair. How could Pepper just dump him like that? I hear stuff from Peter you know. He stops by sometimes. He likes spending time with me, I think, since all we've been through. When we were gone for 5 years. He looks at my lips, my heart starts beating faster. I look at his lips too, they look so soft. He looks up at my eyes again, I can feel it. The tension is going through the roof right now. I see he's getting tired, I drop my head on the pillow. So does he, still staring at eachother. "I'm tired Steph." He says with a yawn following. "Alright Tony, close ur eyes then." "I will, smart-ass, I know how to sleep." He says with a cocky tone. "Sure you do Tones." He smiles at the nickname. He closes his eyes and I wait until he actually relaxes. Then I close mine too.

Tony's POV:
I wake up breathing fast and faster. My heart is beating in my throat. Shit another panic attack. Oh my god not right now please. Stephen is right there. I sit up trying to be quiet, but I'm panicking way too much. I push my phone off of the nightstand on accident. I was trying to help myself get up by leaning on the nightstand. Shit, Stephen heard it. I woke him up, how great. I'm still panicking and my hands shaking like there's an earthquake. Stephen turns around, to look at me. "Hey, hey your fine. What's wrong?" I look up at him trying to calm down, but it's not working. I panting like a dog, fuck me, I'm so stupid. These damn nightmares. "Nothing's wrong." I say still breathing loudly. "Tony come here. You don't have to tell me. Just calm down okay? I'm right here." He says while wrapping his arms around me to hug. It feels so nice and warm. I'm already calm down as I bury my face into his chest. His chest, wow it's toned, but still so soft. I'm so drunk. "Thanks Steph." I sigh into him. "It's no problem, Tones are you alright now?" He actually sounds like he cares. That's unusual. "Yeah, but uhm" "Yes?" "Can you not tell anyone about this?" I asked him insecurely. "Ofcourse, I won't tell anyone if you're not comfortable. He lets me go and I lay down again. I turn around to look at the wall. Trying to think of something that's better than my nightmares. My eyes slowly close but I feel something? I feel arms wrap around me and down to my waist, as I try to get some sleep for once. I softly hear him say "Is this okay for you?" His voice sounds so calm. It gives me a nice feeling. "Yeah I don't mind." I say, which I wasn't lying about. It feels really warm and safe in his arms. The next thing I know it is morning.

I wake up, hugging someone? Shit, Stephen, it's Stephen. Wait. Did we?! WHAT'S GOING ON?! I shake a bit and he moves. I look at him "Stephen?.." I sigh. "Did we? Well, you know?" He widens his eyes a bit at my question. He yawns and says "Oh, no we didn't Tones, don't worry. You only had a panic attack and I calmed you down." He says sitting up and looking at me. I let out a relieved, but also a bit disappointed sigh. "You alright?" "Yeah I'm good." I nodded, but I still had a headache from being so drunk. "Tony" He says with a serious tone. "You have a headache don't you?" Damn, he really sees through me. "Yes Steph, I do." He looks up a bit shocked. "You remember the nickname?" I chuckle a bit. "Ofcourse I do, Steph. I remember important things." He starts getting red. "I'm important now?" He furrows his eyebrows. "No just your nickname. Just kidding, or not?" I smirk at him and he rolls his eyes. "Your a real prick you know?" I start laughing a bit. I get up and stretch my arms up. I notice Stephen look from my face to my stomach. I look down for a second and see that my t-shirt rose up when I stretched. I smirk and winked at him, he just looks away getting a red face. "You like what you see?" I chuckle. "Fuck you Stark." I start laughing and say "When and where?" with a cheeky smile. "My place tonight, I'll make it fancy." Shit he's playing along. I giggle a bit nervous. "It's a date." He says making my face glow more red than ever. A date?!?! Oh my god. "I- o-okay." Shit why can't I be confident right now?? Please Tony calm down.

A/N: Hiiiiii the author here! I just wanna say that some chapters are gonna be in first person and some in thir person point of view. God I ship them so much. Also disclaimer there is not gonna be smut in this book. Which might disappoint some of you. Maybe I will change my mind, but for now no smut. Anyway hope you liked it!

Two stubborn guys..Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora