Daddy's Champ! [41]

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"Let's get to it. Since Ashley is wrapping up her feud with Bayley, we're going to go ahead and start seguing our way to Kennedy vs. Charlotte for after Hell in a Cell. I'm thinking we could kickoff the Raw after Hell in a Cell with a town hall meeting, we'll have the locker room out on the stage and Kennedy will be in the ring with a podium answering questions and concerns that the superstars have." Vince told them as they nodded.

"Like that segment mom had back in the early 2000s?" Kennedy sought and her grandfather winked and pointed his finger in affirmation.

"Exactly, so. Then we'll have Ashley come out and ask Kennedy who her next opponent is as she has beaten everyone on the women's roster. Kennedy will say she's working on bringing up women from NXT, but then Ash will make a slick remark about how Kennedy lost her spark at Mania and doesn't want to compete on the main roster because she knows she can't beat Charlotte."

Kennedy and Ash both looked at each other and smirked, her parents giving a nod of approval.

"From there we'll just have a continuous build, however, I'm thinking of having you compete in a few matches against some of the girls to "prove" to Charlotte that your in ring abilities are great and you never lost that spark." He explains.

Kennedy sat back and jotted notes down as her grandfather continued to go on about their up and coming feud.

"Hey, I have a suggestion." Kennedy said, clicking her pen as her grandfather nodded.

"Our dad's have history and the fans know that. Somehow, we should work it into the storyline. I think it'll add a layer to the story that we're trying to tell here. It's like, Ash and I are both trying to prove that although we come from legends and greatness, we still make an art for ourselves while carrying on their legacy and paving our own path." Kennedy suggested as they all gave their verbal approval.

"Shit, we need to get you on the creative writing team, kid." Paul chuckled, patting his daughter's shoulder, who laughed.

"No, that's awesome, actually. And maybe when we sign the contracts, our dad's can be in the ring. It'll be like an awesome showdown." Ashley said, and Kennedy gave her a high five.

"God, you guys are good." Vince smirked, making notes on his paper.

"Is that all, dad?" Steph asked and Vince nodded his head.

"Great, where's Zoey?" Ash asked excitedly as Kennedy laughed and stood up.

"In catering with Jon, Joe, and Colby. When I left she was asleep so I wonder if she's up by now." Kennedy said, glancing down at her watch.

"Can we go see them? I miss her." Her dad said as she nodded, leading her parents and Ash out of her grandfather's office.

She pushed open the doors of catering and was welcomed with the sight of Jon bouncing around while trying to sooth a very fussy Zoey who cried out loud. Colby and Joe both pointed at Kennedy, to which Jon turned around and gave her a hopeful smile. She had been crying for the past ten minutes and nothing would do.

"Aww, come here, sweet girl." Kennedy pouted, opening her arms as Jon passed her over to her.

"She's been crying for the past ten minutes. I changed her, gave her a bottle, burped her, even gave her the pacifer but she won't stop." Jon sighed, watching as Kennedy attempted to console her.

"I think she just needs extra comfort, she must be agitated from her shots like the doctor said." Kennedy told him as he nodded and watched on.

"It's common for babies to have a slight fever after getting shots. Is she warm?" Her mother asked as Jon rested his palm over Zoey's head, feeling for a fever.

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