Chapter 4

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The next morning Pocahontas awakes to find herself outside on the ground and wrapped in her husband's arms. She smiles as the memory of the night before comes back to her. She then pulls herself closer in John's arms. He turned onto his side and right on top of his wife. Pocahontas did not see this coming. He held her tight. She was struggling to get him off of her. John was sleeping like a baby. Now Pocahontas was a strong woman, one of the strongest women in the village, but John was heavier than what she could lift. Pocahontas pushes against him, trying to get free from him. "Come on, ..... John..... Please wake up!" Pocahontas says as she pushes with all her strength, as she begins to struggle to breathe. Finally she asked the spirits of the earth and sky to help her. "Spirits! .... Please help.... Me
.." She says as she struggles. The wind then starts to blow. It then blew right through John's ear. John immediately woke up. "What was that?" John questions. Pocahontas takes this opportunity to finally get him off of her. "John!" She shouts. John looks down and finally sees that he is laying down on his wife. John immediately jumps up off of her. Pocahontas starts to cough as she begins to breathe again. John knells down next to her. "Oh my goodness! Pocahontas! Are you alright?" He asked frantically. Pocahontas finally stopped coughing and could breathe again. "I am now. I didn't think I would ever get you off of me." She says with a giggle. John was still frazzled by this. He almost killed his wife. "Darling, how did you end up underneath me like that?" He asked as he rubs her back. "Well, I woke up and snuggled closer in your arms, and then you pulled me even closer and turned over. You just happened to turn over right on top of me." She says as she giggles again. "Oh sweetheart I am so sorry. I never would have done that if I could have helped it." He says as he embraced her. Pocahontas smiles. "Oh sweetheart, it's not your fault. I bet you were just having a wonderful dream." Pocahontas says as she caressed his face. "But darling I almost killed you! How are you so calm about this? Aren't you afraid of me now?" John asked as he continued to panic. Pocahontas smiles. "No Baby, because I'd rather die from you loving me than to not have you love me at all." She says sweet and calmly. John smiles at this. He embraced her once again. "I am so glad you are alright." He says as he holds her close. Pocahontas smiles. She was so glad she ended up with him instead of that other John. John then looks into her beautiful brown eyes. "You know I think I know the reason why I was sleeping so hard." John says with a chuckle. "Oh really? What was it?" Pocahontas asked. "Well we haven't made out in so long that I got wore out by it." He says as he continued to chuckle. Pocahontas laughs at this. "Oh John!" She says as they continue to laugh. They finally decided to get dressed and head back to the village. The couple were holding hands as they walked through the forest. "So, do you think we made baby number 2?" John asked with a smirk on his face. Pocahontas laughs at this. "John, we did it so many times last night, we had to have made baby number 2." They both laugh at this. "Well as soon as you find out, I want to be the first to know this time ok?" John says sweetly. "Of course sweetheart. The only reason why you weren't first last time was because I didn't know what was wrong." She says reassuringly. "I know sweetheart that's why I want to be first this time." He says with a goofy grin on his face. Pocahontas gently pushes him a little before their hands reunited. They finally made it back to the village. She sees Nakoma and she starts to wave to her. Nakoma runs to her best friend, and hugs her. "Hey, I went to your house this morning but you weren't there. Where were you?" She asks. John kisses Pocahontas' head. "Hey I'm going to go find L.J. I will see you at Breakfast." He says as he walks off. "Ok your husband is gone where did you go?" Nakoma asked a bit impatiently. Pocahontas and Nakoma sat down on the ground. "Well, we decided that we would go somewhere a little more romantic!" She says with a giggle. Nakoma started to squeal. "Ooh girl, Where?" She asked once more. "Well, we went to the waterfall where we first met." Pocahontas says. "Oh that is super romantic!" Nakoma squeals. Then Nakoma frowned. Pocahontas noticed this and reached out to her. "Nakoma, What's wrong?" She asks as she rubs her friend's back. Nakoma didn't except her to notice she was sad. "Oh..... Oh it's nothing." She says with a fake smile. "Nakoma don't give me that. I know when you are sad or upset about something. Was it something I did?" Pocahontas asked. "No! Of course you didn't. It's just that sometimes I look at you and John, and wish I had a special someone." She says sadly. Pocahontas was shocked by this. "Oh my goodness Nakoma. I had no idea you felt that way." Pocahontas says as she hugs her friend. Nakoma smiles as she pulls out of the hug. "I didn't want you to feel bad." Nakoma replied. "When did you start feeling this way?" Pocahontas asked. "Um.... It was a couple of months after your father's wedding. It just felt like everyone has a mate but me." Nakoma said with a sigh. "Well, don't worry I will help you find someone." Pocahontas says with confidence. Nakoma lights up. "Really? You would so that for me?" She asks. Pocahontas smiles. "Of course Nakoma! You are my best friend. I would do anything for you." Pocahontas replied. "Oh Thank you Pocahontas." Nakoma says as they as embrace again. Pocahontas pulls out of the hug and gets up and then helps Nakoma up. "Come on, Let's go eat and then see about finding you a man." Pocahontas says with a wink. Nakoma nods and then they both run to the campfire

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