"Sorry Ryder... I guess you already saw it... She was a bitch though. Leave her be!" Katie tried cheering the boy up, which wasn't working. Darius frowns as he looked at his friend and he gently holds his hand. This made Ryder look at the boy and blush bright red, feeling quite estatic and embarrassed.

It took him a second to calm down and let his fingers intertwined with Darius', making Em and Katie tease with them. "Ooooooh~ someone's in love~" both girls giggled. Ryder shyly looks away and Darius chuckled. "Girls, stop. You're making Ryder's face red." He remarked.

He then frowns as he saw a familiar face, the face of someone he accidentally fought with.


They all went to the library for Ryder's books. The royal then went pale as he saw the person on the front desk. "Hello Danny! I'm here to pick up my textbooks please~" he says. It was the red haired boy, Danny.

He preferred being called as 'Daring Danny X' but, no one seems to take him seriously with that name. They still respect Danny's decision about it, except for Ryder. He's not so fond of it ever since they met.

Danny had a crush on Ryder but, Ryder doesn't have feelings for him. But, that doesn't stop the red head from courting him. Even how many times that Ryder rejected him in the nicest way he can, he's just unstoppable.

Danny nods happily. "Of course, anything for you~ you got the card?" The brunette nods his head, giving the redhead the library card for proof. Danny then looked at the royal with annoyance in his eyes. He will never forgive the duke for breaking his stunt bike while trying to land his jet at the woods where Danny took his stunt practices.

Danny noticed that Ryder never talked or consulted him about the fight that happened to the two boys a few weeks ago. Darius probably never told him. So, being an intimidating teen he is, he smirked. "Hey, Ryder..." He started. "Didn't your little friend here told you about him crashing someone's possession by his jet?"

Everyone in their friend group looked at the duke with disbelief, even Ryder. The brunette did noticed some scratches and bumps on the duke's ship but it never bothered him till now. "Is this true?" He then asks, making Darius step back a bit.

"Yeah, it is. He casually just parked his jet to where I was parking my stunt bike in the woods." Danny continued. "He never even said sorry..."

It was a lie. Darius apologized so many times to Danny that day but, the red haired boy didn't listen so he gave him a black eye and Darius never went to visit the brunette that day so he doesn't have to make Ryder worry about what happened to his eye.

"That's not true! I said sorry I couple times! I even offered you4 to help you fix it but, you just punched me!" Darius defended. He was innocent. And he want to prove everyone. This could loose his trust to everyone. Even Ryder.

Danny stepped towards the royal and punched his nose, making everyone looked at him with shock. They knew Danny is violent but, not this violent! Darius huffed and his eyes watered. He could've sworn that he got his nose broken when the red head punched him so he decided to fight back. He gave his fist a good swing and attacked his stomach. Darius doesn't want to fight. He just want this to end already. Ryder was in the background, yelling for the two to stop but, they seem to be not listening to the brunette. He can't join the fight, he broke his arm. He would be a pile of bones if he joined in just for the two to stop.

Danny groaned as he fell down and he tries to kick Darius' diaphragm so hard, the royal fell down and began to gasp for air. Ryder rushed to the royal and he looks at him, worry filling his eyes. "Danny! Stop please! He's already hurt!" The brunette begged as he and the girls helped the royal get up. They then took him to the clinic to get him checked out for any broken bones and bruises.


Darius gasped when the nurse placed a small ice pack on his nose to help it stop from swelling. "Your diaphragm has been hit but, it's not really that bad. You can still breath normally but, I suggest to not get yourself tired for the next few days. It could damage it..." The nurse explained and he nods his head while holding the ice pack on his nose. The nurse then left to pick up something and Ryder sighed. "Did you really crushed his stunt bike with your jet?" He asks. "Yeah. By accident!" Darius replied. "I didn't mean to! I was supposed to land the jet safely but i didn't see his stunt bike. Please, you gotta believe me..."

Ryder sighed. "I do believe you... I just hope that you can forgive Danny though... He doesn't really mean it. He was just frustrated." He says. Darius thought of it for a moment and he sighed. "I'll let him apologize in my face. He punched me, y'know..." Ryder nods his head.

Then the brunette did something that the duke wouldn't expect. Ryder gently placed a kiss on his cheek, it felt nice to Darius. It makes his tummy fill with butterflies. The peck lasted for a solid five seconds then Ryder pulled away shyly, his cheeks red. "Sorry... I really should have asked for your permission..." He uttered as he nervously scratched his head.

Darius chuckled and he kissed Ryder's cheek. "It's quite alright~ it's cute either way~" the brunette has gone full on tomato now. He hides his face on Darius' shoulder and the duke laughed wholeheartedly. "You're actually so cute~" he whispered.

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